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Tw: Sexual references, sexual innuendos, blood, injury.

Kara let out a short groan as she woke, her pounding headache making her squeeze her eyes shut. She went to clutch at her head as she sat up, but for some reason her arms wouldn't work.


Kara tried to move her hands again, but a strain at her wrists made her turn her head to glance  behind her.

They were in binders behind her back, restraining her hands.

Kara frowned, mind filling with questions.

"You're awake."

Kara lifted her gaze to look at a blonde man. His forehead had a slight crease to it as he stared at her, lips tugging downwards.

"Who are you?" Kara questioned, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Captain Rex. I'm been assigned to watch you to be sure you don't escape." The man explained. He observed the way she squinted at him, and took in her features.

She had straight black hair that went past her waist, and a pink flower tucked behind her ear. Her pupils were wide, and she seemed to always be squinting. She wore black pants and a purple shirt that had grass stains on it.

"Well you can go kark yourself," Kara said, leaning her head against the wall. 

Rex huffed but didn't say anything, instead crossing his arms and turning away from her. She played with a strand of her hair and braided a section of it.

"General Madden, I'd like to ask you some questions," Anakin Skywalker said as he entered the room. He nodded to Rex, who left them alone. 

"I don't have anything better to do," Kara said, shrugging.

"There's a Separatist base hidden somewhere on this planet. We know there is one, that's why we came out here," Anakin said. "Where is it?"

Kara scoffed. "You really can't find a whole base? You Republic soldiers really are stupid."

Anakin scowled. "And you got captured. Maybe you're not as smart as you think."

Kara laughed before wincing at how it made her head throb. "I'm exactly who the stories say I am. I'm certain you've heard of the strategies I've designed that have won countless battles. All the rumours are true."

"All of them?" Anakin raised a brow. "So it's true that you craft poisons to kill with? You're apparently quite the expert on biology and chemistry. I know a few people who would be very interested in your skill sets."

"It's all true," Kara insisted. "Everything you've heard."

"I've also heard that you can't see," Anakin said. "Are you blind? People have seen you bump into trees on the battlefield."

Kara's eye twitched. "Maybe not all the rumours are true."

"You're just clumsy then?" Anakin smirked. He leaned against the wall, clearly feeling more comfortable in her presence since she hadn't attacked him yet.


"How did you find us?" Anakin questioned. His gaze had gone serious, no longer teasing her. "You didn't just happen across us, you obviously knew we would be flying through the sector, heading to the Separatist base here."

Kara's lips curled, showing off an excited smile. "There's a traitor amongst you. Someone is working for me."

Anakin narrowed his eyes, a strand of hair falling into his face as his head dipped. "You're lying."

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