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Tw: Sexual references, blood, violence, Pong Krell >:O

I think we can all agree the Pong Krell is one of the worst people ever.

"Nothing in the east. Nothing in the west. Nothing in the south." 

Anakin sighed and leaned against his desk, hands digging into the table. "And the north?"

Rex grimaced. "Those scouts haven't returned yet. There's been no word from them either."

Anakin let out a heavy breath through his nose, pushing himself off the desk. He ran a hand through his hair, digging his fingers into his scalp. "We're running out of time."

"Sir?" Rex's forehead wrinkled in confusion. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"We have one more week to find the base before the council sends someone more experienced to deal with this assignment," Anakin said. He began to pace the room, making worried circles. 

"General Kenobi?" Rex smiled slightly. "That's not terrible. Perhaps he would be able to assist us."

Anakin shook his head. "General Pong Krell."

Rex furrowed his brow. "Oh."

Anakin hummed. "Exactly. We need to find the base as soon as possible, or he'll take over the assignment. He'd take custody of General Madden, and the 501st for the time being."

"Should I send out more scouts?" Rex questioned, tightening his grip on the helmet pinned to his side.

"There's no time for that. Kara needs to tell us where the base is now, before the week is up." Anakin stopped his frantic circling and faced Rex. "You need to try harder."

Rex nodded and walked to the door, freezing when Anakin's voice reached his ears.

"You do understand what the consequences will be if she doesn't tell us, right?"

Rex briefly glanced over his shoulder. "Yes, sir."

"Hello, pretty boy. Do you need something?" Kara grinned up at him.

"What are you doing?" Rex crossed his arms, staring down at her.

Kara was balancing on her head, cuffed hands limp on the floor. Her legs were propped up against the walls. "Standing on my head, obviously."

"Why?" Rex asked in exasperation. "Why are you standing on your head?"

"What else am I supposed to do?" Kara kicked off from against the wall, using the momentum to get back onto her feet. She then promptly crumpled to the floor, letting out a groan.

"Are you okay?" Rex's arms shot out as if to catch her, even though there was a ray shield in the way.

"I'm great." Kara beamed weakly at him. "Just got dizzy from being upside down for so long."

Rex let his hands fall to his side. "We need to talk."

Kara settled on the bench, getting as comfortable as she could. "I'm listening."

"You need to tell me where the base is, right now. I will not put my brothers' lives at risk any longer. What do you want in return for the information?" Rex's face was void of any hint of the humour that was there just a moment ago.

"Fine, I'll tell you."

Rex blinked in surprise. "Really? What do you want in exchange?"

"My own planet, two thousand jewels, and a pet Rancor," Kara listed. She batted her eyelashes at him. "And a dinner alone with you."

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