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Tw: Slight language, mentions of periods, talk of female anatomy, sexual references.

"You escaped." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"I did," Kara pleasantly responded.

Anakin's eyes flicked to the bandages wrapped around her forehead. "There's protocol for prisoners who have escaped before. It occurs when there's only holding cells and no immediate way to send them to prison."

Kara frowned. "So?"

"You have to be guarded at all times now," Anakin told her, running a hand through his brown hair. "This'll be in place until we transfer you to a prison. I'll have to find someone I trust..."

"And when will that be?" Kara rolled her shoulders to relive some of the tension in them. "The prison transfer, I mean."

"As soon as we find the Separatist base," Anakin said. 

Kara rolled her eyes. "So I'll never be alone? Because I'm not telling you where it is, and I don't think you're smart enough to find it."

Anakin shrugged, his robes shifting with his movements. "We'll find it eventually. If you tell us where it is though, I might be able to lower your sentence."

Kara stared at him coldly. "I'm not a traitor."

Anakin put his hands up, giving her a charming smile. "I never said you were! I just thought that since you're going to prison anyway, you might as well try to take away some of the time."

"Don't you have to go meditate about peace, while sending your comrades out to die?" Kara sneered, settling on the bench that served as her bed. "Leave."

Anakin huffed before exiting, sending in a young Togruta with two lightsabers hanging from her belt. She sat on the floor in front of the ray shield, crossing her legs underneath her.

"Hello," Kara warmly said, giving a bright smile.

The young Padawan returned the smile hesitantly. "Hi?"

"Would you mind removing these bothersome binders?" Kara shyly questioned. "It's just that they make it hard to sleep. I'm already in a cell, so why do my hands have to be cuffed too?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to do that." She shook her head.

Kara's lip trembled. "Thanks anyway. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'm Kara by the way."

"Ahsoka. Are you really General Madden?" 

Kara sniffled, giving a tiny nod of her head. "Yes. Why? Do I not look tough? I get made fun of all the time for looking so soft."

Ahsoka furrowed her brow. "No, it's just... you don't seem as fierce as everyone said you were. I heard that you tried to kill someone with their own tie."

Kara wiped the trail of tears out from under her eyes. "I try to be fierce, but it's hard sometimes."

Ahsoka smiled slightly, confusion still evident on her face. "I'm sure you try your best."

Kara beamed at her. "I really do!"

Ahsoka sighed. "Alright, maybe I can take them off. You don't seem like you want to kill me..."

"Where would I even go?" Kara agreed. "I just want to sleep soundly."

Ahsoka lowered the ray shield, hand hovering over her lightsaber. "No funny moves though, got it?"

Once Kara nodded, Ahsoka undid the binders, letting them fall to the floor in a clatter.

Kara say down on the bench and gave the young Padawan a grateful smile. "Thank you. I've had those on for a while now. It was really starting to chafe."

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