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Tw: Blood, medical stuff, periods, mentions of death.

Kix deserves an award for putting up with them all.

"Captain?" Echo rushed forward, throwing an arm under Rex's to support his weight. "Where have you been? You've been missing for a couple of rotations. People got worried."

"Where's General Skywalker?" Rex demanded, not bothering to answer Echo.

"I last saw him training with Commander Tano," Fives said.

Rex pushed himself of Echo and nearly ran to the training room, where he saw the pair of Jedi meditating.

"Hardcase, get the kark out of here," Anakin said without opening his eyes. Ahsoka's lips quirked upwards as Anakin sighed. "I've had enough of your pranks."

"It's not Hardcase, sir."

Anakin peeked one eye open and jerked in surprise. "Rex?"

Ahsoka gasped and her eyes flew open in shock. "We were so worried!"

"I got kidnapped. Long story," Rex vaguely said. "They're coming for you."

"Rex, slow down." Anakin got to his feet and approached the captain. "Who's coming? And for who?"

Rex threw Kara's satchel to the ground. "The Separatists want her dead." He motioned to Ahsoka. "Kara was supposed to kill her, but refused to. She helped me escape."

"What? She helped you escape?" Anakin raised an eyebrow, riffling through the bag. He pulled out a datapad and examined it for a moment before looking back up at Rex.

"She brought me to the base and changed sides, but she got captured by Coda, who's a traitor," Rex hurriedly explained.

"We'll prepare for an attack," Anakin assured him before his eyes flicked over Rex's wounds in concern. "Head to the med bay and get Kix to check you out."

"But I can help!" Rex protested.

"You're covered in blood," Ahsoka pointed out.

Rex glanced down at his body, sheepishly smiling at them. "I'm not actively bleeding. At least I don't think so."

Anakin pinched the bridge of his nose. "Go to Kix, Rex. That's an order."

Rex nodded, hanging his head in defeat. "Yes, sir."

Anakin and Ahsoka followed him out of the room before going down a separate hallway, while Rex headed to the medical bay. He grumbled under his breath as he walked about how he should be the one helping set up defenses.

"Rex?" Kix said in surprise as the blonde man entered, dragging his feet. "Ar- Why are you covered in blood?"

Rex hopped onto an exam table. "Let's just get this over with." He briefly summarized what had occured with Coda, Kara, and his kidnapping.

Kix rolled his eyes and squeezed a cloth, wringing excess water from it. "And you just let her get dragged away?"

"What was I supposed to do?" Rex scowled. "Put myself at risk and get us both captured?"

"You're a captain." Kix flicked Rex's forehead. "You supposed to problem solve."

"Do you know how many head injuries I've gotten in the last couple rotations?" Rex muttered. "It's a miracle I still know my own name."

Kix hummed and shone a light into his eye. "I've noticed."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rex narrowed his eyes to hide the panic flaring in him.

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