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Tw: Language, sexual references.

Sun-Fl0w3r_ this is for you.

"Don't you dare scare her off." Rex stood there with a furious expression on his face, arms crossed.

"Scare who off?" Ahsoka innocently asked.

"Yeah, scare who off?" Kix questioned, leaning forwards with a smirk.

"Kara! You asked her about marriage!" Rex exclaimed. "We haven't been together for that long! And you really freaked her out!"

"Is your relationship so fragile you're worried about us scaring her off?" Kix faked a pitying smile.

"It's weird to think about marriage for the first time when someone else brings it up!" Rex angrily huffed. "We haven't even talked about it yet."

"So I shouldn't talk with her about little babies running around?" Ahsoka teased. "I shouldn't offer to babysit?"

"Absolutely not!" Rex brandished a finger at them. "Do not do that!"

"Oh, that's a shame. I already told her everyone would love the babies' blonde hair," Kix played along, nudging Ahsoka with his elbow.

"I seriously can't tell if you're joking or not." Rex stared at Kix, devoid of any amusement. "But you better hope that you were."

Kix shrugged. "I'm not going to tell you." 

Rex stayed silent for a minute before looked at the ground. "Did you really?"

"I didn't, but I know someone who did," Kix told him with a smirk. "Can you guess?"

Rex blanched. "Fives, that son of a bitch."

Kix pointed at him. "You got it."

"I've got to go," Rex said and dashed away.

Kara's fingers were flying across the piano, eyes locked in on the music she was playing. She heard the door open but didn't look up, not wanting to fall behind. She finally finished, letting it resonate before gazing up at Rex.

"Can I help you?" Kara raised an eyebrow at him.

"I didn't know your lessons with Coda went so well," Rex remarked, sitting next to her on the bench.

"He taught me the basics and I looked up some of the other stuff," Kara said and did a scale for him. "It's pretty fun."

Rex poked a key hesitantly. "Uh, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah?" Kara turned her head to look at him. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know... Is there?" Rex countered.

"You're acting weird. Spit it out." Kara narrowed her eyes at him and pursed her lips.

Rex watched her out of the corner of his eyes for a moment. "Have you seen Fives recently?"

"A couple hours ago, why?" Kara's lips tipped upwards as if daring him to say the words on the tip of his tongue.

"Did he mention anything about... children?" Rex cringed.

Kara put a finger on her chin, feigning thought. "You're going to have to be more specific."

"I really don't want to." Rex brought his hand down on the keys, wincing at the horrible sound it produced.

"Oh, please! I really want to hear you say it." Kara simpered.

Rex sighed. "Did Fives ask you about having kids with me?"

"Why yes he did!" Kara happily chirped. "And it was such a pleasant conversation! He told me he'd be glad to babysit our children! He even started suggesting names!"

"I'm so sorry," Rex said, burying his face in his hands. "He's an idiot, and a fool and-"

"And I told him I'd never let him babysit my kids," Kara finished.

Rex closed his mouth and blinked. "You did?"

"We've been dating for little over a month now. I think it's time for us to talk about where this is going to go so no one's leading anyone on," Kara said and smiled softly.

Rex nodded. "Alright. Where do you see this going?"

"I'm going to be honest with you," Kara's eyes flicked to her hand, "I don't see myself getting married. That's not to say I don't want to spend my life with someone, I just don't want to get married."

"I can't say I've ever really thought about it. I never thought I would find someone that I'd want to be with. So I don't feel strongly about getting married." Rex leaned against her. 

"Alright, I'm glad that's out of the way." Kara stood up and closed the lid on the piano. "I'd agate for you to think this is heading to marriage when I don't think it is."

"Want to go out tonight?" Rex suddenly asked. "There's a restaurant I know of that I think you'd like. It's called Olive House or Fruit Garden or something."

"Sounds like fun. We do have the week off while Anakin visits the temple," Kara agreed. "But I'm paying. I doubt you even have credits with the way the Republic treats you."

"And you do?" Rex led the way to his office, placing his helmet on his desk. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a set of civies. 

"Actually, I do," Kara proudly said. "A week ago I sold some herbs I had gathered on Kashyyyk and have some money to show for it."

"Can you turn around?" Rex requested, holding up the clothes.

Kara hummed and turned her back to him. "I can't believe you're shy even after last week. I doubt there's anything I haven't seen."

Rex rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt over his head. "I don't know either. It's not like growing up on Kamino you get much privacy. The shower rooms weren't exactly private. I guess it's just... different with you."

"You done?" Kara asked, and when he let her face him again, she smiled. "Ready to go now?"

Rex nodded, changed out of his plastoid. "Yeah, let's go. Don't let me forget to order the breadsticks. Those things are delicious."

Ok short chapter but I figured we should have some fluff between chapters filled with action.

And yes, I did rob you.

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