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Tw: Language, extreme sexual references, sexual content? I don't think anything happened but I'm putting it here just in case.

If anyone tries to ship Rexsoka in this chapter I will lose my marbles.

"I'm bored," Kara announced to no one in particular.

Kix hummed, scanning her arm. "I've got some good news. I can take the cast off now. It's sturdy enough that it should heal fine if it's left alone."

"Great. Am I being sent back to my cell?" Kara sunk into the pillows with a sigh.

Kix shrugged. "I don't know. You'll have to ask Rex."

Kara perked and sat up. "He's here?"

"No, but Echo and Fives are." Kix pointed at the door, where the twins stood.

Fives ran over, a grin across his face. "Hello, Kara. How are you feeling?"

Echo elbowed Fives and hissed, "This is a bad idea!"

"What's a bad idea?" Kara curiously asked. "Because I've always been told I naturally gravitate towards them."

Fives plopped down at the foot of her bed and rested his chin in his hands. "I heard you say you're bored?"

Kara nodded. "So?"

Echo crossed his arms and shot Fives a filthy look. "He wants to do something that would get us in so much trouble. We'd get reprimanded!"

"Just reprimanded?" Kara snorted. "That's it? That's nothing."

"See?" Fives whipped around to gives Echo a pointed look. He faced Kara again with a bright smile. "So, we'd sneak into Rex's office-"

"I'm in." Kara pushed herself out of bed and started walking out the door. She glanced over her shoulder with a scowl. "Are you coming or not?"

"Hey!" Kix shouted after her. "I have to get the cast off!"

Kara rolled her eyes and returned, letting him cut it off. "Am I allowed to just wander around, anyways? Am I a prisoner or not?"

Kix shrugged once again. "I don't know. You'd have to ask General Skywalker. I believe he mentioned something about bringing you to trial."

"It's about time we get out of here," Fives said. "It's been a month since we destroyed that base."

"Let's go!" Kara cackled as she sprinted down the corridors.

Fives and Echo ran after her, one more enthusiastic than the other. 

"Now lower me slowly," Kara whispered.

Fives let her down a bit further from the vent, until she was far enough down. Then he released her, and Kara silently landed in Rex's office.

"The helmet's here!" Kara murmured to Fives. "You're right; he leaves it here when he meets with Anakin."

Fives chuckled. "He's predictable."

Kara snatched the helmet off the desk and tossed it up to him. "He is. It's really easy to make him blush, too."

Fives arched a brow. "And why would you know this?"

"He's on his way back from the meeting." Echo's panicked voice made them both snap to attention.

"How much time do we have?" Fives asked, speaking into his comm.

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