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(* Enjoy~ .... A/N *)

*No P.O.V*

It's a very silent day. A little, too silent for an all too chaotic place. A place called, Hotel OJ.

Hotel OJ is usually a super lively place. But today? Today was very different.

It was simply just, quiet. No it wasn't nighttime, which would be weird. It was, however, around 12 pm.

Nothing was going on, not even in the living room, where the tv would usually be on. It just felt very empty.

The reason being? Well, it wasn't because anybody was out. A few of them were, sure, but it wasn't the main reason.

Basically, it was 'Lazy Sunday'. OJ, having had enough of having to deal with the chaos that ensues within the hotel, decided that Sundays will be the only day where nobody will cause trouble.

While others groaned at this, it was actually an amazing idea. So, it became a wonderful hit, and OJ, Paper and Soap would have a small day off.

It was close to lunch, so OJ decided to order some food for lunch. He decided on some good ol' pizza.

Our view now heads up to a duo. Up on the 5th floor, we see a cheese head and a helium head chatting.

Those two were Cheesy and Balloon respectfully. They were in the showroom talking to each other.

It was peaceful between them, just the two of them hanging out. Cheesy was telling punny jokes, while Balloon listened.

Then, Balloon talked for a bit and went on about how life was okay, but he was growing more and more depressed. This was normal for the two of them.

Cheesy was the uplifting comedian, while Balloon was the person who needed to be cheered up with his problems. It was kinda a match made in heaven.

This conversation between them went on for another hour before OJ announces that lunch was being served. Our little duo heads out of the showroom and downstairs to get food.

On the way down, Balloon gets lots of stares from previous contestants. It felt as if everybody was judging him.

He mentally panicked, but Cheesy noticed his shaking. He managed to calm Balloon down enough to continue their trek to the kitchen.

Once there, the duo see that OJ ordered pizza. They smile and each grab 2 slices, both getting 1 cheese and 1 pepperoni.

They head out of the kitchen and head to their favorite place to hangout while eating, under the staircase. Sure it was a little weird to others, but for them?

It was their scarce area. This area meant a lot to them, because it was where their friendship blossomed.

The area was nicely decorated and has 2 beanbags, a small tv, a small rug, and a tiny foldable table. It was small, but it was enough for them.

(* The tiny foldable table... it's a real thing. It's used for anything u can work on, while u sit or lay on ur bed. Mangy has one of them. -A/N *)

They make themselves comfortable and turn the tv on. Since it was Balloon's turn to pick, he put on Power Rangers.

They ate, talked and watched TV, it was a very peaceful time. It felt like a long time passed, and it did. Because it was now night time.

The two got up and headed back upstairs to their room. And yes, they shared a room. OJ kindly gave Balloon a new roommate after Nickel complained to OJ and Paper about it.

So now Balloon and Cheesy were roommates, and it was a nice little blessing. So they ventured up to their room.

Once up there, they walk to their respective beds and turn in for the night. Well, Cheesy does anyways.

Balloon stayed up to finalize some letters he's been writing. What are these letters you may be wondering?

They were apology letters for the original cast of Inanimate Insanity. Apologize for the way he used to be back in season 1.

He finished his letters, and placed them under the doors of the old former contestants' doors. Once he did that, he went back to his room, and finally fell asleep.

Once he drifted off to sleep. A thought pondered in his head.....

Will he finally be forgiven by the others? Will they finally accept him, and not torment him?




*End of Prolouge*



It's starting you guys!

I hope you all liked this prolouge!!

This was a nice start to a very slow desent~


Cause I'm nice.

I'll tell you all who Balloon is shipped with.

Some of you all guessed it, which was surprising.


The ship that Balloon is paired with is~


CHEESELOON!!! (Balloon x Cheesy)

We hope you like this ship!

(It's still a ship that Mangy is fixed on.... So yea.)

And let me/Mangy formally welcome you all....

To 'The Silence Of A Person'~....


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