Chapter 2: The Start Of Changes

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(* TW!! Mentions of self-cuts and thoughts of death! (Enjoy~!) -A/N *)

*5 days later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I can't fucking believe everybody here!! I gave letters! I ranted my heart out!!


I was currently sitting in my room, crying my heart out. Why? Because nobody likes me. 

Everybody just straight up hates me. The only people here that likes me were Cheesy, Trophy, and Paper.

Nobody understands the amount of emotional and physical pain they all put me through. My depression was at it's lowest because of them.

Death was something I wasn't scared of, not anymore. But I'm not fully ready for that just yet. Just harming myself is good enough.

I had just finished cutting about 30 minutes ago, so I didn't have to worry about that. I know cutting is bad, but it helps me remind myself of how pathetic I really am.

Calming down a bit, I see that I have a blanket on me along with warmth. I look and notice Cheesy, and Paper next to me, hugging me.

When did they get here? And, why were they here? Wait... Oh man. Did I forget?

"Are you okay Balloon?", Paper asks.

My throat felt super scratchy, so I nod my head. Cheesy frowns a tiny bit, knowing that I wasn't okay, but doesn't say anything.

"Alright. Also. Why did you cut?", Paper asks again.

Still not wanting to talk, I look away in shame. I hear Paper sigh, knowing why I cut.

"Oh Balloon... It's going to be okay. I'm not mad. Not even in the slightest.", Paper whispered.

"Neither am I Balloon. But please... you can come talk to us okay?", Cheesy said.

I sniff and wipe my tears, before I hug them both. They hug me back and the last of whatever emotional breakdown I had earlier vanished.

"T-t-thank you....", I managed to thank.

"Anytime Balloon.", Cheesy says.

"Are you still up to going to the museum?", Paper asks.

"Y-yea... I-if that's okay.", I replied.

"Of course it is. Go freshen up. I'll wait for you and Cheesy downstairs.", Paper smiles.

He walks off, leaving me and Cheesy alone. I look over to the blockhead, and he smiles brightly.

"I'll be here waiting for ya! Go freshen up!", Cheesy says.

"O-okay... T-thanks f-for staying.", I thanked.

"Of course! We're besties afterall!", he says.

I smile and walk to the restroom to freshen up. I notice my shirt was a bit dirty, thanks to eariler events.

So I grabbed a shirt and went inside the restoom. I change my shirt, washed my face, and brush my hair a bit. 

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