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(*........ Enjoy ....... -A/N *)

*No P.O.V*

Everything was getting better for Balloon. After his date, he surprised everyone with his voice.

And everyone was so happy to hear him once again. They celebrated and welcomed Balloon back with welcome arms.

Slowly, things fell back into place. The scar on Balloon's face was still there, but it faded.

Balloon would sometimes touch his face and feel the faded scar. It haunted him and his past actions.

Though, it never got the better of him. He liked to think of it as a memo of all his past trauma and how he survived from it.

A scar to show how he, a depressed person on the verge of dying. How he managed to live through the pain was amazing.

It showed that even though Balloon wanted to give up, he fought back. He gained the strength to keep fighting and got another shot.

Months went by to the present time. Things were well! Balloon was on a date with Bomb and Cheesy.

They were at an arcade for their date. It wasn't much, but it was fun at the very least!

Balloon was playing a simple game, Cheesy was playing a piano tiles like game and Bomb was playing a basketball game. They all had such a fun time.

Once they were done collecting tickets, they entered them through the ticket machine. After that, they got the main ticket and went to the prize area.

They chose gifts for each other, which was actually pretty adorable. Bomb got Cheesy a little book.

Cheesy got Balloon a cute fox squishmallow. Finally, Balloon got Bomb a cool cup.

After finding their gifts, they exchanged them and left the arcade. In the car they all exchanged their gifts.

The boys loved their gifts a lot, as they all kissed each other the best they could. Once done, Bomb began to drive back to the hotel.

Chatting all the way back, they eventually made it to the hotel. Exiting the car and into the hotel, the boys see OJ holding something.

OJ saw the three and explained how a select 8 people had gotten V.I.P tickets to see Spoiled Lemon. The three looked very happy, spending time together more was always good!

However, OJ then explained that there was only 1 ticket left. Heartbroken by this, Bomb suggested that Balloon go on the trip.

Balloon was a bit hesitant in accepting. Why? There were a few people who didn't really like him still.

Cheesy and Bomb gave words of encouragement to Balloon that he could befriend them! After a short while, Balloon gave in and received the final ticket.

Time passed and it was time for the select 8 to go on the trip! Everyone said their last goodbyes to them as they left.

Balloon took a bit longer as he was very nervous and was having 2nd thoughts about everything. Eventually, after being reassured by Bomb and Cheesy, he left too.

Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought. I mean, life is short so live what you can and explore!

Thinking this, made Balloon a bit excited for what's to come. Something new was lurking about for him and the other 7 with him.

Yea, something was coming up alright. But it wasn't a concert. Though, even still, he was living life again. And he was gonna make the most of it.




*End of Epilogue*



And we're done.

Thank you all for loving my book.

It's sad to see this end.

But that's how it works.

And to explain a bit.

I am leaving still.

But I wanted you all to enjoy this still.

And because I don't feel like adding another chapter.

I'll be telling you all which book won.

Not that it matters much.

However, congrats to 'Forgotten Memories' for winning!

'The Lost Childhood' didn't count because of spammed votes.

Sorry for those who wanted 'Project Home' to win!


I must end it here now.



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