Chapter 8: Why?

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*Balloon's P.O.V*

'Why?' it was all I could think of right now. Why? Why did the others look so terrified? Why did all my fucking efforts fail?!

Why couldn't I just be something they wanted?! I did what they asked for! I gave up my voice so they could like me!

But they're all fucking terrified of me now! Why couldn't I just get it right?!

Why couldn't I just be happy for once?! Why was happiness so fucking hard to achieve?!




*OJ's P.O.V*

"BALLOON!", I screamed.

I raced over to him, in panic and in fear. He was shaking and looked like he was having a huge mental breakdown.

Pulling him into a hug, I did my best to calm him down, with little success. He was crying still, not from physical pain however....

It was more from some form of mental pain. All his mental and emotional pain that he's been holding in for god knows how long.

God, he was a mess. And he's only like this because of us. I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces by the sight of my baby cousin.

Deciding that this open space wasn't the best place for Loon at the moment, I picked him up and walked to my room. It wasn't far, so he should be okay there.

As I walked up, I took one last glance at the others in the living room. They all looked so horrified of Balloon looking so... hurt.

I walked upstairs finally and went into my room. Thank goodness I lived on the 2nd floor of this hotel.

As I carried Balloon, I noticed how light he was. And it wasn't the average light for a balloon to feel.

He was way lighter than what his standard weight should be. Oh my god, Paper was right, Balloon WAS starving himself.

I believed Paper sure, but I didn't fully believe that Balloon would do this to himself. But feeling how light Balloon was, it made me reconsider that.

Making it to my room, I opened the door and went inside. I placed Balloon on my bed and pulled out my phone.

Scrolling through my contacts, I stopped on one and stared at it. 'Science Geek' was the name I was looking at.

I pressed it and held the phone up to my ear. Please pick up cuz... I need you right now...

"Hello?", I hear a slightly sleepy Test Tube answer.

"Tube!", I shout in relief.

"Jay? What's up? Are you okay?", she questioned.

"I... *shaky sigh* Something bad happened...", I mumbled.

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