Chapter 18: I Forgive You

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*Nickel's P.O.V*


I panted heavily as I looked around the room in panic. My surroundings, I was okay, I was in my room.

My breathing slowed as I calmed myself down. Shit. That was fucking horrible. Another nightmare.

Damn, I can't get a break now can I? This was the 10th nightmare this week! Man, I felt horrible.

What time even was it? I looked at my phone and saw it was 10 am. Shit, I missed breakfast.

I should go down and eat. Getting up from bed, I get dressed and head out to go eat something.

Making it to the lobby floor, I head into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereal. Once I was done with that, I walked outside to think.

God. Why couldn't I just-

"Nickel!", I heard a voice.

My body froze and looked over to where the voice was. Oh god. Why was Balloon here?!

Before anything could happen, I ran. I didn't want to talk to him yet! I wasn't ready to!

Having no clue where the hell I was going, I just kept running. Balloon shouldn't have to talk to a horrible person like me.

I kept going until I couldn't run anymore. Fuck, I'm winded. Taking a look around, I realized I was lost.

Well shit. Oh well, it was better than having to talk to Balloon. I couldn't face him, not after he comforted me last time.

Taking a deep breath, I sit down near a tree. I'll rest a bit before-

"Nickel!", a voice yelled.

OH COME ON! I looked over and saw Balloon, who looked even more winded than I did.

WHY DID THE WORLD HATE ME LIKE THIS?! Ugh, I had no energy to move, so I was stuck here with Balloon.

I looked over to see Balloon still panting heavily. Man, how fast did he run just to catch up to me?

Sighing, I decided to talk to him. I mean, what else am I supposed to do? Plus, maybe I could help him out? I have no idea.

"Balloon. Are you okay?", I asked.

He looked over and gave a small thumbs up. Guess he still couldn't talk, given the little device on his arm.

I chuckled lightly and smirked. I didn't have anything else to really ask, so it was just silence.

A very awkward silence at that. Which was a bit fair, Balloon couldn't talk just yet.

We just sat in this very uncomfortable silence. God, this was horrible. It didn't help that I couldn't stop my mind from hating myself.

I felt a hug and I looked to see Balloon hugging me. Why? He remembers what I did the last time he did this.

He just hugged me, which made me feel funny. Like, my feelings were coming out from nowhere.

Suddenly, I hugged him back and felt myself tear up. I choked out sobs and began to cry.

Crying? I haven't cried since I was in middle school. The last time I cried was when... when...

My mom died. She had died from cancer when I was in the 6th grade. Since then, my dad took care of me.

And he hated when me or my 2 siblings cried. He would hurt us because of it. Abusive piece of shit.

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