Chapter 13: Removing the Stitches

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(*Slight mention of blood!!!! Happy reading! -A/N *)

*Test Tube*

"Alright Loon. You ready?", I asked him.

Balloon nods as he sits on the operation bed. I nod and smile as I pet his head.

"Good. Now. Do you want to be awake as I take them off? Or asleep?", I asked.

He begins to type on his little device I made him. I'm so glad I made this for him, I really miss his voice.

"Could I be asleep for it Tube?", Loon 'said'.

"Of course Loon. Let me grab a sleeping sediment, okay?", I said.

Balloon nods as I head to my medicine cabinet. I open it and begin to search for some sleeping pills for Balloon.

After a bit, I find some and walk back over to him. I grabbed some water and handed him the bottle of water as I opened the pill bottle.

I grabbed out 2 pills and handed them to him. He looks up to me and I realize my mistake.

".... I'm really stupid. Hang on. I'll get something else.", I say, all flushed.

I grab the pills and put them back in the bottle. I put the pills up and started looking for a liquid sedative to give Balloon.

Looking through my medicines, I manage to find some midazolam. Sweet! I could pour a bit of this into a syringe and inject this into him.

I mean, this sedative is used for such things in hospitals so it makes sense. Sure Loon might not remember things, but eh, he'll be okay.

Walking back with a syringe in hand, I inject the sedative into the syringe and place down the liquid bottle. I looked over to Balloon who looked a little nervous.

"Don't worry Loon. This isn't going to hurt okay?", I reassure him.

He nods and calms down a little bit. I head closer to him and pat his shoulder, to further assure him that he's going to be okay.

Balloon smiles and lays down so he doesn't fall over when the sedatives hit. I smile and grab a small wet cloth and open the little package.

Taking the wet cloth out, I pat it on Balloon's skin so it's moist and doesn't hurt when I poke him. I look at Balloon and give him a warm smile, so he feels relaxed.

I take the syringe and slowly poke Balloon with it, and then slowly inject the sleeping sedative into Balloon so he could sleep.

Once all of it was gone, I slowly took the syringe out and wiped away the little blood that oozed out and placed a bandaid on the small poke.

There, Loon should slowly start falling asleep now thanks to the midazolam. I look over and see that he's beginning to sleep now, which is good.

As he sleeps, I walk over to my desk and pull out Painty's sewing kit that they lent me. Opening the kit I grabbed the scissors from there.

I placed them down and looked through my drawer to find those small tweezers that I found three days ago. After I find them, I grab the scissors and walk back to Balloon.

Glancing at him, I see that he's fully asleep now, which is good. Alright..... This is the tough part.

With the tweezers, I began to find where the stitch Balloon made was weakest. This stitch he did is complicated, so it might be hard to find a weak point.

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