Chapter 3: Not So Okay Balloon

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(* Small TW for depression!! (and small talk about weight loss if it triggers anyone) -A/N *)

(* 2 weeks later*)




*Cheesy's P.O.V*

Something was wrong with Balloon. And not in the normal depressed way either.

It's.... well..... It's super complicated. I'm not even sure if I understand it fully. 

But ever since we came back from the museum about 2 weeks ago, Balloon's been acting.... strange. The very 1st thing that was noticable, was his hair.

His hair was cut! He cut his hair!! His beauitful, long, curly hair!!! He cut it off!! When I first saw it, I was so distraught!!

I loved his hair! I loved just snuggling in it when we have little snuggle fests! It was so soft and poofy! 

Sure it was still a little long, since it was up to his shoulders. But it wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong, I love his hair still! 

It just felt, weird. Like why would he do this to himself? I know he wanted to change, but he didn't have to physically change himself!

Of course I'll support my best friend no matter what! However, I just... I'm just not sure if Balloon is happy.

Yes Balloon has depression, but he was still happy when he was around me, Trophy and Paper. But now

He wasn't happy at all. He was forcing himself to be happy, just to please the others here. The result of this?

It wasn't getting anywhere. He was trying so hard to just get no appeciation or anything! It was a never ending cycle for him.

Right now I was next to him in our usual spot in the hotel, which was under the stairs. We were watching TV when I started getting antsy.

I just needed to talk to him about all of this. But... I was scared to. I was scared to talk to him about it. 

I was terrified that I would fuck up our friendship.... And I didn't want that at all!! I loved Balloon!

Well, I didn't love him like that! Heh. I mean, he's only the cutest, most caring, and nicest person I've ever met.

But that didn't mean I have a crush on him! .... Did it? Wait... why am I even thinking about this?!

Balloon was my best friend, nothing more than that. I look over to him and see him super invested in the show were watching, which was TMNT; the 2003 version.

He had this cute face on him and was just in awe with everything. He looked so adorable watching the show.

I take a deep breath, so I can get ready to talk to Balloon. God I was so scared to ask him about everything...

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