Chapter 10: Adjusting

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(* Very tired author today. Enjoy! -A/N *)

*1 week later*




*No P.O.V*

It's been a week since the gruesome act Balloon did upon himself. Since then, things have been rather slow.

For starters, everyone was still very weary about Balloon and his mouth. No matter how hard everyone tried, the image of Balloon's stitched mouth was plastered in their minds.

Nickel was normally snarky and making rude comments most days. Now he was quiet and careful with his words.

He was afraid that he would say the wrong thing or make somebody think the wrong thing. Balloon taking his 'advice' for shutting his mouth haunted him.

It was the 1st time that Nickel truly felt horrible about something. He wasn't one to feel guilty, but this was an exception.

Everybody noticed Nickel's change in behavior and it was clearly about Balloon. Cheesy was the exact same, but not because of guilt.

Cheesy was upset because of his best friend. He still tried to keep a smile and cheer up the others, but it didn't really help.

Bomb did his best to keep Cheesy company and in high spirits. Sure it was a little hard, but he did his best.

The two friends did their best to also keep Balloon in high spirits too, and it was slowly helping. Balloon himself was still adjusting to life with a stitched mouth.

He was still a bit hesitant to go out and interact, but he did so anyway. Sure he got looks, but they were all ones of guilt and pity.

Currently, he was getting ready for a nice day out with his cousins OJ and Test Tube. It wasn't anything big, just a nice trip to the store.

Nothing should go wrong with this cousin outing... right? Only time could tell.




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I was getting ready for a nice day with my two cousins. We were just going to the store, but according to Tube.

"Balloon needs to go out because he needs the sun. Vitamin D is very important and I don't remember Balloon going out of the hotel in months!"

Yea. Those were her words. And she's kinda wrong. I had gone out the day before stitching my mouth off.

Bomb had led me and Cheesy to this secret river he found. It was actually super peaceful and it was such a lovely sight.

I wanna go back there soon, just to destress and hang with my two best friends. Gosh, I still feel horrible for what I did.

Everybody was afraid of me, and it was my fault. But hey, I didn't care anymore, in a way.

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