Chapter 6: The Plan

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*1 day later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I finally had an idea on a plan that would finally get me liked. It was gonna be painful, but I could care less about that.

This plan would be flawless, I just know it will be! Why else would Nickel have suggested it to me?

Hm. Thinking about it now, I don't have the right materials to go along with the plan. Where can I get them from?

Maybe Paintbrush? They sew right? I think so anyways. Doesn't hurt to try. However, that means....

I would have to go outside the room and... face the others. I wasn't ready to do so, but I had to if I was going to get the sewing kit.

Walking to the door, I take a deep breath and open it. I get blinded by the light a bit, but adjust and walk out the room.

Gosh, it felt like I haven't been out of the room in forever, when really, it's only been 4 days. I continue to walk downstairs, nervous as heck.

I made it to the bottom floor, and was instantly met with stares. Oh man, this was a horrible idea.

Deciding to ignore them, I walk to the kitchen. I was a bit hungry, and well. I couldn't do this plan on an empty stomach.

If I did, then. I probably would die. Plus Cheesy was worried about me, and I didn't want him to worry anymore.

Let's see, lunch has passed, so I'll make myself something. I grab some things and head to the stove to cook.

Some short minutes later, I finished making some french toast. Breakfast for lunch huh? Cool, I love breakfast.

I clean the dishes so I don't get yelled at by anyone. Once that was done, I grab my plate and eat whatever I could.

Hunger was something I needed to work on, but that could wait. I ate about half the plate and threw the rest away.

I'm surprised nobody came over to mock me. Guess they didn't want to-

"Why does it smell so amazing in here?", a voice asked.

And I spoke too soon. I looked over and saw Paper and Fan near the entrance of the kitchen.

"Balloon?", Paper gasped.

"H-hey...", I greeted, weakly.

"Y-you're out of your room! Oh my gosh!", he exclaimed.

Paper rushed over and hugged me, which I returned. Oh gosh, did I really make them that worried about me?

"Are you okay? How are you feeling? And be truthful.", Paper asked.

"W-well... um... I-i'm ok. For the most part.", I semi-lie.

"Are you sure? Positive?", he asks once again.

"Mhm. I'm sorry I made you so worried. I was just upset about the fight.", I replied.

"Ah. I am too. But hey. At least your okay somewhat.", he chuckles.

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