Chapter 11: The Plan

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(* Short chapter! But a very early one because I love you all! <3 -A/N *)

*Test Tube's P.O.V*

Golly, this isn't good at all. Balloon hasn't eaten and it's showing big time.

I need to get his mouth unstitched, and fast. However, I still need materials to do the process.

Paintbrush is pretty hesitant about letting anyone touch their stuff after Balloon's stunt. Heck, Paintbrush themself didn't feel comfortable touching their own sewing kit.

So While OJ paid for the food and plushies, I went over to the art area to grab a sewing kit for myself. Actually, would I need a sewing kit to undo a stitch?

I don't believe so. I think all I need to use tweezers and scissors to undo one. Well golly, why do I need to buy the things for?!

I'm a scientist for crying out loud! I already have similar materials in my not so secret lab!

Sighing at my slight idiocy, I turn around and rush back towards OJ. Golly I wasn't thinking right there.

After making it back, me and OJ head out and back to the car. Once there, we pack the groceries in the trunk of the car.

I grabbed the plushies and held them for Balloon. OJ started the drive home when I decided to speak up.

"OJ...", I began.

"Yea? What's up?", OJ said.

"We need to remove the stitches from Balloon's mouth.", I replied.

"I know. This has gone too far.", he muttered.

"Not only that, but he needs to eat. He's already getting weak from the lack of food.", I mentioned.

"What? Shit that's not good....", he gasped.

"Mhm. This is what I'm thinking.", I began.

"I'm all ears Tube. How are we gonna help our cousin?", OJ asked, focused.

"Well. Simple. I'll undo the stitch. Duh.", I said.

"But how? I don't know the 1st thing when it comes to sewing.", OJ asked.

"Nothing too much. I just need to follow this as a surgical procedure. Find a part where the stitch is loose, snip that part, and slowly pull the threads apart.", I explained.

"That seems simple.... But will it hurt him?", he asked, clearly worried.

"It shouldn't. However, I'll gladly do it while he's asleep if he wants me to.", I reassure him.

"Sounds good to me. We just need to inform him about this and we'll do it.", he reasons.

"Of course. However, I'm gonna need a tiny bit of time.", I say.

"Why?", he questions.

"Haha... I um... might need to search for small enough tweezers and scissors so I don't injure him... My lab is a bit cluttered.", I explained very flustered.

"Of course it is Tube... *sighs* Well, please find them as quickly as you can.... Balloon's life depends on it.", he reminds me.

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