Chapter 1: Fights

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(* It is here... Enjoy~ -A/N *)

*The Next Day*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I had just woken up, not at all ready to start the day. I was getting ready in the restroom so I don't wake Cheesy.

I changed into a nice yellow long sleeved before looking in the mirror. God I looked horrible, like a depressed, useless person.

I quickly leave the restroom and head downstairs. Cheesy was still asleep, I guess it was still early, so I let him sleep.

Heading down to the living room area, I could hear talking. Growing curious, I treaded more cautiously, so I could here what was being said.

"It's so hilarious how Balloon thinks he could just give us stupid letters!", I hear Salt exclaim.

"I know right?! It's so stupid! To weak to even speak to us head on!", Pepper laughs.

"God. The nerve of him. Why does he think giving us dumb letters will work?", Pickle comments.

"So petty. It's like he's trying to make things right! Hah! As if.", Nickel says.

I had long stopped in my tracks. The letters, they read it.... but. They think it's a joke

Of course they saw this as a joke! Ugh! No matter what I do or say will ever get them to like me!

Why does shit like this happen to me?! I just wanted to make amends with everyone! 

Feeling enraged, but not ready to confront them, I walk down and head to the kitchen. Please don't let them notice me.

I head inside the kitchen and grab a small bowl of cereal. My stomach growls as I pour the cereal into a small foam bowl.

Knowing I wasn't going to eat much after, I opted to get the cereal without milk. Now. How was I going to-

"Well... Look who decided to show is stupid face.", I hear a voice.

My whole body freezes up as I glance behind me. There I spot Nickel, Salt, Pepper and Pickle.

Oh crud! They saw me! What do I say? I hope they didn't notice that I was spying on them.

"Hey, manipulator! We're talking to you!", Salt shouts.

I make a tiny yelp as I jumped back a bit. Some of my cereal drops to the floor, making me cringe and upset.

"Y-yes.... G-guys?", I managed to squeak out.

"What's with the lame as shit letters?", Pepper asks forcefully.

"Yea. It's super pathetic of you to even try this! But man!", Nickel comments.

"I... I-I j-just... I just wanted to make things right.... with you all....", I mutter.

"Hah! You really think we'll fall for this stupid trick?! How dumb do you think we are Balloon?", Pickle questions.

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