Chapter 15: Normal, With A Hint Of Love

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(* We got some cute shit coming up guys!!! ENJOY! -A/N *)

*2 hours later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I was just waking up from my nap and getting changed into some different clothing. Man, it still felt weird having my stitches undone.

I was washing my face in the restroom right now. As I dried off my face, I looked up at the mirror to see the everlasting scars on my face.

Gosh, these scars are so... so big. Why did I ever think it was a good idea to harm myself like this?

The scars are huge! There was no way I could hide any of them! I could wear a mask, but that's too weird!

What was I going to do about this? I was going to get so many stares because of this! Oh golly, what do I do?!

I felt myself lower onto the floor and began to cry. There was no way I could go out there! Not with these scars on my face!

Everybody was going to notice them and just stare at me! That was something I didn't need, not after everything else!

Feeling my body shake like crazy, I did my best to calm myself down, but nothing was working. Of course nothing was helping, I was having some sort of-

Wait, I felt somebody hugging me, I have no idea who was hugging me. Though, it did feel nice and it helped me out a bit.

I have no clue on how long it took me to calm down, but I did eventually. Once I did, I looked over to who was hugging me.

Paper. Paper was the one hugging me, no real surprise there. I hugged back, which got his attention that I was out of my trance.

"Are you okay Loon?", Paper asked.

Not really able to talk still, I nod my head a little bit. Paper smiles and pats my head, which makes me squeak a bit.

"That's good. That's good.", Paper smiles.

"Are you okay to go downstairs now?", he asks.

I nod my head once more. Okay, that was a small lie. I wasn't all that ready to head down there yet.

Though, I didn't want to stay alone. That and well, I was gonna have to go down there anyways. So might as well go now.

We get up and start making our way downstairs to go see the others. I was getting nervous, but I pushed that down so I didn't worry the others.

Once down, I got an instant hug from Suitcase, which I returned. The hug was really nice and it made me smile as I hugged her.

"Hey Balloon!", I heard a voice greet.

I looked up to see that Baseball had greeted me, which made me smile more. I waved back at him, greeting him back.

"Are you doing better?", Baseball asked.

I nod my head to his answer, since I don't think I can talk just yet still. This makes Baseball smile and pat my head, making me squeak again.

"Woah! You squeak!", Baseball exclaimed.

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