Chapter 9: They Know....

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(* Some more angst and fluff for the soul! -A/N *)

*Balloon's P.O.V*

I was still in OJ's room, hugging my two dear cousins. The hug was very nice, and very much needed.

"Hey Loon.", OJ said.

Breaking the hug, I looked up at my eldest cousin with curious eyes. I wonder what he needed.

"Um... How are you going to... explain this to Cheesy and Bomb?", OJ asked.

"Oh yea. They aren't here huh?", Tube asked.

"Nope. I sent those two to get groceries.", OJ answered.

As the two continued to talk, I couldn't help but panic. I just felt my whole heart just drop to the floor.

Cheesy and Bomb... The two I called my best friends. Oh god... What were they going to think about my mouth?!

I couldn't let them see me like this! They would hate me forever if they ever found out about my mouth!

This day was just getting worse for me! I just wanted this day to end!




*Cheesy's P.O.V*

"Alright! We're back!", I exclaimed.

Me and Bomb had just arrived from our trip to the store. And we got a lot of things, naturally.

I grabbed a few bags while Bomb grabbed a ton! He was so strong, and it was super admirable.

Bomb was so cool and super caring, it was no wonder he was admired. Not to mention his love of plants and jokes.

I never knew how much Bomb actually liked my jokes! It made me feel all giddy when he laughed at my punny puns!

Okay, I need to calm down before my face explodes in red. Which is very weird thinking of it now.

My face only ever did that when I thought of Balloon and his super cute face. Wait, no!

I'm doing it again! But with both Bomb and Balloon! What was going on with me?

Shaking my head, I helped Bomb bring the groceries into the hotel. Once we were done, I noticed the hotel was..... off.

Like, it wasn't loud, which was a bit fair. Today was 'Lazy Sunday' after all. But this felt different.

It wasn't a comforting silence, this silence was... tense. I looked over to Bomb and he seem to notice.

"Something isn't right.", I said.

"Mhm... S-s-something i-is v-very w-wrong.", Bomb muttered.

"Yea. Let's go ask.", I said.

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