Chapter 20: The Date

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*Time skip: 6 days later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

Alright. I've been doing this vocal training for the past 2 weeks? I don't know.

However, Testy believes this should be my final test! This was both exciting and very nerve wracking.

I haven't been able to talk in the past 3 months or so, maybe 4 now. So being able to hear my actual voice for the 1st time since then.....

Yea, I'm super nervous. I was walking over to Test Tube's lab for the last lesson and test.

Once I entered, I looked around for my older cousin. She wasn't in the main area like she usually was.

Hmm. I have an idea on where she might be. I walked towards the living room area to find Testy.

She was asleep on the couch. I thought so, she must've worked all night again.

Walking closer, I put a blanket over her and left the room. Right. I know I still have the lesson and the test.

And with Testy asleep, I'll go ahead and get started. I went to the room where we did all the lessons.

Turning the light on, I pulled the book out and began to read. Why I had to read was questionable.

But oh well, I read for about 20 minutes until I got up to put the book up. I walked over to the whiteboard by the wall.

I wrote some words down and began to try and word each of them out. Sometimes my throat got a bit sore, but I kept going.

"P-p-pencil. N-n-napkin.", I sounded out.

This was going pretty good. I was getting more words out. Maybe I could finally talk again soon!

If I could, that would be amazing! Cause then I could surprise Cheesy and Bomb tomorrow!

How awesome would that be? Surprising them with my actual voice again after 4 months.

Feeling myself smile at the thought, I continued on. Progress was going very-

"Balloon!", a voice shouted.

I get very startled and let out a shriek. I whipped around and saw Testy standing there looking shocked.

"Oh golly! I overslept! I'm so sorry little cuz!", Testy apologized.

"I-it's okay cuz....", I said.

Her eyes went wide as I said my 1st actual sentence. She smiled, teared up and ran over to hug me.

"Y-you... you spoke! I know we've been practicing. But this was your 1st sentence!", she praised.

"D-don't cry Testy...", I said, getting worried.

"I'm not..... Yet. But you're talking again!", she says in a 'convincing' manner.

"Y-yea. It.... it's nice.", I remarked.

I smiled as Testy continued to hug me. Of course I hugged back which made her smile too.

Soon, we broke the hug and we got back to the lesson. We weren't there for too long, but it was still nice.

Once we were done, we left the room and decided to hang out. You know, maybe I should surprise everyone else with my voice!

That would be fun! Of course, after my date with Cheesy and Bomb. My date. Oh crap! That's tomorrow!

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