Chapter 4: The Breaking Point

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*1 month later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I've changed back to my old ways, and I felt so much better! I didn't feel pressured to be somebody different anymore!!!

I was still getting backlash and harrased, but I didn't mind. I was myself, and I was happy, in a way.

Paper, Cheesy, Trophy and Bomb were all supportive of me still and I just felt so happy. Right now actually, I was hanging with Bomb in his greenhouse!

I never would've thought we would bond over plants and gardening! Bomb had so many plants in his greenhouse!

Of course, I just needed to show him my secret garden one day. But maybe later, I'm not comfortable showing him just yet.

The only ones who knew about my secret garden were Cheesy and Trophy. I should show Paper some time soon thinking about it.

Bomb was tending to some chamomile flowers he had. I was further away, tending to some orchids.

The reason I was further away from the chamomile flowers, was because I had a severe allegy to them. The 1st time I was here, Bomb had showen them to me I had passed out, not knowing  what happened.

According to Bomb, I had sneezed a lot, then sort of had a burning type thing happen to my nose and face, then passed out. I had told him about my allergy to the chamomile flowers and he apologized a lot for it.

The whole thing went back and forth before we laughed and played it off. So yea, ever since then, we've grown closer as friends!

"H-h-hey B-balloon!", Bomb said.

"Yea? What's up?", I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I-i f-finised w-with t-t-the chamomile f-flowers!", he said.

"Nice! I'm done with the orchids!", I replied.

"C-cool! T-t-thanks s-so much f-for the help!", he thanked.

"It's no problem! What should we do now?", I asked.

"Hmm... H-how a-about w-we g-go g-get some c-c-cookies!", he said.

"That's a great idea! I'm sure the others will like that!", I beamed.

"I... I w-was j-just t-talking a-about us... but w-we can g-get some f-for the o-others!", he confessed.

"Oh. Um. I mean we don't have too...", I said, getting a bit awkward.

"Y-you s-sure?", he asks.

"Yea! Besides. This will give us time to bond a bit more!", I smiled.

"Heh! Y-you a-always l-like t-to see t-the b-brighter s-s-side of t-t-things!", Bomb smiles.

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