Chapter 5: Worried

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*3 Days Later*




*No P.O.V*

It's been 3 days since the horrible fight between Nickel and Balloon. The mood had been shifted a bit and it's a bit bleaker than before.

Most notably, Cheesy hadn't attempted to make any puns. Everyone was pretty worried about Cheesy, only because he was the one of the outspoken person there.

Cheesy himself was the most worried about Balloon, and he was upset that nobody else was worried about Balloon. Trophy, Paper and Bomb did their best to cheer him up, but to little avail.

What about Balloon you ask? He's been locked up in his room for the past 3 days. Yes, Cheesy's seen him, but it was only in the mornings and nights.

Balloon hasn't eaten, moved or anything. He's just been, there in bed. He's only gotten up to use the restroom, sit on his desk, or in his comfort corner. 

Cheesy attempted to get Balloon to eat, but nothing. It was just, nothing for Balloon. Cheesy did his best to make salmon balloon better, but as you might have guessed.....

It didn't take any affect on Balloon. Sure, it made him a little better, but it couldn't get rid of his ever growing storm in his head.

Back downstairs, it was fairly normal, say for the absent loudness that the hotel is known for. OJ was making some lunch when he got this weird feeling.

It's happened before, but he always dismissed it. But this time, it was stronger, like somebody was trying to punch him.

He didn't want to turn around, but he did and there was nobody there. If it wasn't something physical, then what was this feeling?

Was it perhaps, guilt? Why would OJ feel guilty? Was it Balloon? Maybe it was, but why?

Sure OJ and Balloon were cousins, but then again... The two didn't have the best relationship.

OJ and Test Tube always had the better cousin relationship out of the three. Heck, Test Tube thought the same with OJ. 

But nonetheless, OJ couldn't help feel, guilty. He should've helped Balloon when he needed it the most.

The more OJ thought about Balloon, the more guilt and shame he felt. They were family, and yet, OJ always treated him like an outcast

OJ frowned at this and mentally scolded himself  for not being a better cousin to Balloon. It wasn't like Loon did anything wrong to him!

Sighing at these thoughts, the breakfast brevage stopped his cooking and sat down in the kitchen. OJ just couldn't find that motivation to cook.

Pulling out his phone, he put in an order for some pizza. A few large pizzas, breadsticks and wings, was the order.

After ordering and paying online, OJ slumps down and rests his head on the table. Why was he feeling so, awful?

Guilt made sense, but gosh, did it hit him hard. It was like OJ was living the past again, and he hated it.

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