Chapter 16: Crushing

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*1 week later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

It was a nice day today, so nice, that OJ decided we should have a little cousin outing! So that's where we are now!

Me, OJ and Tube were all at the store again. OJ, of course, needed to shop for some groceries again.

While he did that, me and Tube went hunting for more plushies! You can never have too many plushies.

So, that's what we were doing right now. Back over at the gaming section, me and Tube were looking for plushies we don't yet have.

As we looked, I couldn't help but think about Cheesy and Bomb. Why was it that I couldn't get those two out of my head?

Like, I didn't mind being in my mind. Thing is, everytime I think of them, I feel all warm and fuzzy.

My cheeks go warm and my heart just skips a beat when I see or think of them. It was driving me crazy!

Not to mention, that Trophy literally teased me about it, but didn't say why! Ugh. I wish I understood my feelings.

Oh! Maybe Tube can help me! She's smart. I'm sure she knows what's wrong with me.

I tap her shoulder to get her attention. She turns around and smiles at me, which I return.

"Hey. Find anything?", Tube asks.

I shook my head but began to type in a sentence in my little text to speech device. Once I had my sentence texted, I pressed the button.

"No. But I still need some help with something...", 'I' said.

"Oh? Well. What is it little cuz?", she asked.

I write another message in my text to speech device so Tube knows what's up. Once done, I press the button to speak.

"Well. I've been having some.. Weird thoughts lately. And I'm not sure why...", 'I' said.

"Huh. What or who are they about?", she questions.

I type my answer at a somewhat fast pace. Only because I was beginning to think about them again, so best to write and then think about them.

"Well. I keep thinking about Cheesy and Bomb. And it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. My cheeks heat up and everything and I'm not sure why.", 'I' ranted.

As 'I' said that, I could see her face go into this huge smile as her eyes lit up. Oh golly, am I in for something?

"Balloon. This is the best thing to have ever happen to you.", she says with no hint.

It was? What was it then?! Why am I not getting the message?! Why couldn't they just tell me?!

Clearly seeing my distressed and very confused expression, she calmed down and looked at me. Guess I was finally about to understand my feelings.

"Loon. You have a crush on them.", Tube explains.

A crush? On Cheesy AND Bomb?! There was no way that was true! Was it? I mean.

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