Chapter 17: Should He Be Forgiven?

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(*Warning! Mentions of blood! Enjoy~! -A/N*)

*1 week later*




*Nickel's P.O.V*

It's been a few weeks now since Balloon's stitches were undone. I'm happy and all, but I can't bring myself to talk to him still.

Everytime I even look at him, I still see that scar. And it haunts me still. God, I'm so pathetic.

Today was pretty nice, so I was down by the pool area. Baseball was with me, though he went inside to get us snacks.

Man, I was not doing the best. I just felt horrible every day since the incident. When I first saw Balloon, everything just stopped.

The whole world stopped and pointed a light at me and Balloon. Like it was trying to tell me, that this was all my fault.

Which it was my fault. I bullied him into hurting himself. I told him to shut his mouth shut. Everything was all my fault.

Shit, my mind was racing with negative thoughts. Not that it was the 1st time, it's been happening for a while now.

I just let the thoughts hurt me. It was the least I could do. Since I couldn't talk to Balloon normally to apologize, I'll let my thoughts hurt me.

Balloon deserved better than me. He was so much better than me. He's kind and forgiving and overall a really nice guy.

Me on the other hand. I was the opposite of him. I was horrible, I hurt people. There was nothing good about me.

Why was it that the good guys always got hurt? Why was it never the bad ones? Why do people like me, get off scott clean?

The thoughts took over my head as I just sat and cried. Was this what depression felt like? Was this how Balloon felt everyday?

It probably was. I didn't mind, because I deserved this. The hate, the bullying the-

"Nickel? Are you okay?", a voice asked

Not really being able to see or talk, I shook my head. I then felt this person hug me, which was pretty nice.

We stayed like this for a bit, until I felt a little better. You know, the voice was kinda familiar, why?

My vision cleared up and I turned my head to see who was hugging me. When I saw who was hugging me, my whole body froze.

Why? Why was he hugging me? Didn't he hate me for what I did to him? Why does he care about me?

I see him typing on his little device. I guess he was gonna ask me something. He finishes and...

"Are you feeling better?", 'he' asks.

"U-um... K-kinda. Why... why are you here?", I questioned.

He types away again, smiling a little bit. Why was he-? ... O-oh god! Why was he bleeding?!

Didn't he get rid of his stitches!? Oh god! What should I do?! W-wait. No. I'm just... imagining this!

Fuck! This happens from time to time. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I opened them again and saw Balloon still typing.

Thank god. It was just in my head. I have no clue what would've happened if it was real, I probably would've....

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