Chapter 19: Planning The Date

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*Time Skip: 4 days later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I need some help desperately!! But nobody is available!

OJ was on a date with Paper. Tube was hanging out with her 3 partners. I was NOT about to ask Cheesy and Bomb for help with my situation.

And I wasn't super comfortable asking the others for help just yet. Hmm. Oh! I know. I could ask Candle!

I pulled out my phone and searched through my contacts. Let's see, 'O-Gae' no, that's OJ....

'Mah Crushes' nope. That was Cheesy and Bomb. Where is she? Ah! Here she is. 'Aura Therapist'.

I clicked on her contact and began to text her. I hope she can help me out with my problem.

*Text Start*

Salmon Friend: Hello? Candle? Are you here?

Aura Therapist: I am. I had a feeling you would text.

Salmon Friend: you did?

Aura Therapist: yes. Hehe.

Salmon Friend: you really are amazing.

Aura Therapist: thank you. But you need something?

Salmon Friend: yea. I need some help.

Aura Therapist: ah. Is something bothering you?

Salmon Friend: yea. I just need some advice.

Aura Therapist: is is some love advice?

Salmon Friend: how did you know?!

Aura Therapist: i have my ways.

Salmon Friend: of course. But yea. I need your expertise.

Aura Therapist: alright. I shall try and help you out.

*Notification from 'Silli Guy' in 'Besties' group chat*

Salmon Friend: hang on. I got a text.

*Text End*

Huh. I wasn't expecting to get a text from Cheesy. Especially in our group chat. I opened it up to see Cheesy's message.

*Text Start*

Silli Guy: Hey! Guys!

Poem Writer: yea? What's up?

Plant Boi: ya?

Silli Guy: well. I wanna hang out!

Plant Boi: oh. Well. i'm free next Friday.

Poem Writer: yea. Same.

Silli Guy: awesome! Well. we should head to Balloon's garden then. For a picnic!

Plant Boi: sounds awesome!

Poem Writer: yea. I like it!

Silli Guy: sweet! How does 7 pm sound?

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