Chapter 12: Trauma And Guilt

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(* Warning! Mentions of blood and creepy imagry!!!! Enjoy! -A/N *) 

*3 Days Later*




*Nickel's P.O.V*


I'm just walking around this dark space. Where the hell am I?

There was nothing here, just blackness all around me. Was I falling? I don't think so.

Man this was so confusing. Why was I here? And where is here anyway?

I just continue to walk around until I see something. It looked like.... Balloon?

The color looked just like him, which made me nervous. I hadn't talked to him the past week or so.

Guilt was just eating me because of what happened to him. It was all my fault, I caused him to become mute.

Walking closer to the Balloon like figure, I grow more nervous. That's when he turned around and he still had that haunting 'smile'.

I freeze in place as he just stares at me. Balloon and I just have this, haunting staring contest for what felt like eternity.

That's when Balloon's smile grows wider and his mouth starts to bleed out slowly. The crimson blood flows from his mouth, down his neck to his shirt.

I freaked out and stumbled back, falling down. But instead of falling on the floor, I began falling down an endless void.

As I fell, I could hear echoes of people. They got louder as I continued to fall, so I covered my ears to block them.

Nothing worked because I could still hear the voices. Oh man, why did I have to be like this?!

I just wanted to be at peace! Please! Make the voices stop! I don't want this anymore!

I had closed my eyes, but I decided to open them and all around me..... Was nothing but crimson blood.

Not just that, but stitches that was oozing with the very same liquid. Oh my fuck....

This was horrifying!! Why was I thinking of this?! And why was everything blood?!

I couldn't take this anymore, I shut my eyes again so I didn't have to see this anymore. That's heard when I giggling.

What the hell? I then felt something underneath me. Something hard, making me feel sore.

"Ugh..... the smarts...", I groaned.

I got up and heard more giggling. Looking around, I see Balloon again. What was going on?

Walking towards him, he turns around with a super creepy ass smile. He runs up to me and jumps on top of me.

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