Chapter 14: I'M CRUSHING?!

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(* Ooooooo~!!!! This gonna be good~!! /ref -A/N *)

*A few hours earlier*




*Cheesy's P.O.V*

Balloon was getting his face unstitched today. I hope it goes well! Right now I was chilling with Trophy in the gym.

I was writing jokes and puns in my journal as Trophy was working out. It was pretty chill, but something was eating at me.

Those somethings were actually people... and those people were Bomb and Balloon. Why them?

I have no clue why! I just am! Oh man! This has been eating at me for months now! Why couldn't I just not think about them?!

"Cheesy!", I hear a voice call.

Jumping a bit, I looked over to Trophy and smiled. He looked a bit confused, I wonder why.

"You good?", Troph asked.

"Mhm! How come?", I questioned.

"Dude. I was calling you for about 3 minutes! You were in deep thought.", he commented.

"I was? O-oh cheese...", I stutter.

"What were you thinking about anyways?", he asked with a smirk.

"N-nothing!", I sputter all flustered.

"Oooo~ Somebody's lying~..", he teased.

"S-shut up! I-i'm not thinking about a-anybody!", I shout.

"I never said that it was a person Cheesy~.", he teased more.

My face heats up more and I hide my ongrowing blush. I could hear him chuckling at my flusteredness.

"Dude! You're a tomato! Hahahaha!!", Trophy laughs.

"T-troph!!! Not helping!", I exclaim.

"I know. But it's hilarious!", he laughs more.

"But this is serious! I don't understand these feelings!", I groan.

"Feelings? Tell me about them bro.", he says sitting next to me.

"Well... *sighs* I keep thinking about Balloon and Bomb! And I don't know why!", I explained.

"Oh? What are you thinking when you dream about them?", he questioned.

"A lot of weird scenarios! Like going on cute walks. Going to a cute ice cream parlor. Cuddling under a tree....", I sigh as I smile in a goofy manner.

"Oooooo~ I think I know what's going on here dude.", he chuckles.

"W-what do you mean dude?", I asked.

"Bro. You're in love! You have a crush on the two!", Trophy reveals.

"W-WHAT?!?!", I yell in pure shock.

"You have a crush on Balloon and Bomb!", he explains again.

"I-I.... H-holy cheese.... I. I have a c-crush on them!?", I exclaim super flustered.

"Yup! Man! I didn't think you would ever get a boyfriend dude! Let alone 2!", he praised.

"W-wow... I... I have a crush. N-never thought I would have one...", I giggle.

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