The Halloween After School Party 21

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Akane was almost there to the rooftop.

And then, someone calls his name.

School mystery number one halted from running up the stairs.

Akane turns around and sees a familiar face. School mystery number one was surprised. "Minamoto-Kouhai?" He inquired.

It was the exorcist boy in his monster's costume. Kou was out of breath.

After the exorcist boy catches his breathing, Kou was unease. "My little sister's with Teru. I saw the entire thing." He said.

Akane was puzzled at him. "You know what your brother did, Kou?" He wondered.

The exorcist boy was serious. "Yeah, Tiara told me. He used someone to bring Narumi the witch back." He replied.

Akane became worried. "We need to make haste to the rooftop. I had a feeling tonight's gonna end with a nightmare." He urged.

School mystery number one steps up forward on the stairs.

Kou follows Akane.

School mystery number one glanced at the exorcist boy. Akane smiles briefly. "Nice costume, by the way." He complimented.

Kou made his determined grin. "Thanks for stopping time on my brother." He compliments.

Akane faces forth to the doorway. "I could give him another ten minutes. But one time freeze is enough." He said.


In the school's rooftop, Yashiro efforts to stop her hiccups.

But the ghost boy's assistant still has it.

Aoi told her friend to hold her breath for a minute or two.

Before two minutes, Yashiro hiccuped.

The ghost boy's assistant was gloomy.

Aoi suggested another way to stop the hiccups. She told Yashiro to drink an entire glass of water.

The ghost boy's assistant did what Aoi told her.

After Yashiro drank the whole glass of water, she hiccups again.

And lastly, Aoi made a gentle smile at her. "Nene-Chan, I have one more cure for your hiccups. But you're not going to like it." She mentioned.

Yashiro was melancholy. "Aoi, *Hic!* Whatever it takes to *Hic!* 'Scuse me *Hic!* Ohhhhh *Hic!* Please tell me. *Hic!* Stooop. *Hic!*" She whined.

Aoi sighs. The purple-haired girl was sympathetic. "As for your best friend, I don't have a heart to scare you. That's the one more cure. Sorry." She apologized.

The ghost boy's assistant was confused. "Scare me? *Hic!*" She asks.

And then, Yashiro's eyes becomes fully magenta. The ghost boy's assistant was alarmed. "SCARE ME-?! *Hic!*" She asks again.

Aoi answers with her nod of her head.

The boy in his grim reaper costume grinned mischievously. He raises his arms (which is covered in long black cloak sleeves) up in the air.

The boy in his grim reaper costume goes behind Yashiro quietly.

The ghost boy's assistant was frightened. "Aoi?- *Hic!* "She inquires.

Aoi was bewildered. "Nene-Chan?" She inquires too.

Yashiro's eyes are widened. "Aoi...?- *Hic!*" She inquires again.

The boy in his grim reaper costume was preparing to get Yashiro to scream. He was getting closer to her (probably a bit too close).

Aoi smiles awkwardly. "Uh...?" She inquires too again. Aoi got a sweat-drop on her head.

Yashiro was quivering. "Aoi, please- *Hic!*" She tries to beg but she was cut off by the boy behind her.

The boy in his grim reaper costume goes to Yashiro's right ear. "Boo." He whispered.

The ghost boy's assistant was terror-stricken. Her magatama hair clips are sticking up. Yashiro opens her mouth into a square shape. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" She shrieked in horror.

The ghost boy's assistant's shriek plays back like a record.

Aoi feels pitiful for her friend.

The entire class of 1-A witnessed Yashiro's reaction to be spooked by a ghost. (So as it seems).

The teacher wasn't around to see his student's scream.

Nagisa announced earlier that the after school party will be over around seven in the evening. The teacher had to take a break.

The ghost boy's assistant rotated herself instantly. Yashiro was freaking out at the boy in grim reaper costume. "You gave me the heebie-bejeebies! Sneaking up on me by my back?! Seriously?!" She screamed.

The boy in his long black hooded cloak giggled at her.

The ghost boy's assistant was ready to whack him with the broom. "You're gonna pay for scaring me like that!" She exclaims resolutely.

The boy in his grim reaper costume puts his arms up in surrender.

Yashiro swung the broom at him.

But the boy in his grim reaper costume evaded to his left.

The ghost boy's assistant furrows her eyebrows. "Talk, grim reaper!" She commands.

Before Yashiro repeats her words, the broomstick that she holds on to, levitates her up to the sky.

The ghost boy's assistant screams with her 'Gyaaa!'.

The boy in his grim reaper costume clasped on the broomstick. He was holding onto the end of the broom.

The whole 1-A class was speechless at Yashiro and the boy in his grim reaper costume.

Aoi looks up in afraid. "Nene-Chan!" She hollered.

Akane and Kou made it to the rooftop.

They went glancing at the sky.

School mystery number one was astonished. "Oh no..." he sighed.

The exorcist boy was shocked. "Nene-Senpai!" He panicked.

The boy in his grim reaper costume grips on the broom (near the straw ends).

Yashiro grasped onto the broomstick for her dear life. The ghost boy's assistant was panicking in her fright.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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