The Halloween After School Party 6

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In the girls' abandoned restroom, Yashiro meets Hanako.

The ghost boy's assistant was pleased. Yashiro shows him her stuff from her big orange pumpkin bag. "Look at this, Hanako-Kun! Yako-San made me a costume for the party tomorrow night! She even gave me a cool pointy hat and cape!" She exclaimed.

Hanako was glad for his assistant. The ghost boy was sitting on the windowsill. "That was good, Yashiro! I can't wait to see you in your costume tomorrow night!" He exclaims happily.

The ghost boy's assistant tilts her head to her left. "What are you gonna dress up as for Halloween, Hanako-Kun?" She inquires.

The ghost boy was gobsmacked. Hanako gestures to himself with his right index finger. "You're asking ME?! To dress up for HALLOWEEN?!" He exclaimed in his inquiry.

Yashiro becomes baffled. "You haven't celebrated Halloween before?" She wonders.

Hanako was perplexed, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know or ever recall what Halloween is about." He replies frankly.

Yashiro made her awkward smile. "Oh. Halloween is a fun holiday. When I was a kid, I go out trick-or-treating with my friend, Aoi. But when I'm older, I guess I stopped trick-or-treating before high school." She explained.

The ghost boy had his right palm to his right cheek. "I don't think you're too old for that." He said.

And then, Hanako raises his left eyebrow. "Just how do you and your friend go trick-or-treating on Halloween?" He asked.

Yashiro was smiling. "Right. You have to dressed up first for the holiday. Any costume you like. And finally, you go house-to-house. Ring the doorbell or knock on the door. And say..." She answered in her explanation.

The ghost boy nodded his head several times, getting interested in the Halloween trick-or-treating thing.

Yashiro extends her arms in front of herself. "Trick-or-treat when someone opens the door." She said.

Hanako was excited. "Yashiro, what did you and your friend get after you say 'trick-or-treat'?" He wondered.

The ghost boy's assistant was baffling. Yashiro glances around of herself. She checks her dress pockets with her right hand.

But the ghost boy's assistant was glum because she didn't find what she's looking for.

Hanako was confused. "Uhhh, Yashiro, you okay?" He wondered again.

Yashiro faced the ghost boy. "I wanna show you what you get after you say 'trick-or-treat'." She ultimately replied.

The two Mokkes in their pumpkin costumes appeared in the doorway, hopping off into the abandoned girls' restroom.

The ghost boy's assistant glanced at the two Mokkes.

The two pink little supernaturals jump with glee. "Trick-or-treat!" They shouted gladly in unison.

Yashiro looked down at them. She made a solemn smile at the two Mokkes. "Aww! You two look so cute!" Yashiro exclaims.

One of the Mokkes moves their long pink ears forth. It was waiting for something. "Candy?" The Mokke inquired.

The ghost boy's assistant sighs. "I'm sorry. I wish I could. But I don't have any." Yashiro said honestly.

The two Mokkes are sad after she says that.

The ghost boy's assistant sighs again. "Hey, I will give you candy tomorrow for your cute costumes, okay?" She promised.

And suddenly, the two Mokkes are happier after she vowed to bring candy tomorrow. They bounced up and down like a jumping bean.

Yashiro looks at Hanako with her slight smile.

The ghost boy was puzzling at his assistant. "That's all I get if I go trick-or-treating? Just candy?" Hanako asks.

Yashiro shrugs her shoulders. She made her awkward smile. "Well...People gave away fruit to the trick-or-treaters too..." Yashiro said.

Hanako smirks. The ghost boy was mischievous. "I think I can participate the costume party in the rooftop with you tomorrow night." He confirms.

Yashiro was gladder at him. "You will?!" She exclaimed in her inquiry.

Hanako grins. "Just after you cleaned up the bathroom here, assistant of mine." He negotiated.

And finally, Yashiro was shocked. "Hanako-Kun!" She protests.

The ghost boy raises his arms in the air. "Maybe clean the whole place before tomorrow night! The sooner the better!" He cheered.

Yashiro was gobsmacked. "HANAKO-KUN!" She whined.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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