The Halloween After School Party 9

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Akane was flabbergasted from the ghost boy. "Wait a minute!" He exclaimed.

Hanako was resolute.

Yashiro was spooked that her eyes are fully magenta.

Akane was still flabbergasted, extending his hands out at the ghost boy. School mystery number one's eyes are widens. "You are telling me?! That Narumi girl who was here years ago?! Was a...was a witch in REAL LIFE?!" He freaked out exasperatingly.

Hanako nodded his head once. The ghost boy furrowed his eyebrows. "She arrived in this school since the late 1980's." He confirmed.

The ghost boy's assistant made a square-shaped mouth. Yashiro was really spooked out. "THE EIGHTIES?!" She shrieks in her inquiry.

Akane grasped the ghost boy's upper arms. School mystery number one rattle him lightly. "How serious is this witch girl, number seven?" He wonders.

Akane was aggravated. "Don't last long the suspense now, you hear!" He vents.

Hanako sighed. The ghost boy grabbed Akane's lower arms. "Narumi almost destroyed the school by creating the apparition apocalypse." Hanako replies.

Akane becomes appalled. "Ghost apocalypse?! SERIOUSLY?!" He panicked in his inquiry.

Yashiro gasps and became afraid. "Akane-Kun! I'm gonna go find Aoi! I'll convince her to postpone this party! She'll listen to me!" She panics, heading out to the exit of the rooftop.

Hanako and Akane sees Yashiro leaving.

The ghost boy faces his assistant. Hanako was worried. "Hurry, Yashiro! School will be over in a couple hours!" He hollered.

Akane was horrified. "Nene! Tell Aoi that I'm sorry for me!" He shouted.

Yashiro was off to search for her best friend.


In the practice garden, Aoi checks out the garden patches in her gardening clothes. She makes sure that the vegetables are looking healthy. Aoi sees the flowers that are still blooming in progress. Right now, they are half-bloomed bright colorful flowers.

The purple-haired girl was pouting at the soil on the ground. "Nene and I did the watering this morning." She remembered.

Aoi shook her head twice, shrugging her shoulders. "How do the dirt get dry up so quickly?" She inquired.

Yashiro appears outside with her gardening outfit on. She has her cream-colored hair up in a ponytail. Yashiro was apprehensive. "Aoi! Aoi-Chan!" She called.

Aoi turned around to see her best friend. The purple-haired girl was grateful. "Nene-Chan! Just in time!" She exclaimed happily.

Yashiro attempts to call her best friend's name again.

But Aoi cut her off. "Nene, help me water the plants for a bit! The soil has been all dried up suddenly!" She requests.

Yashiro sighs. The ghost boy's assistant wanted to tell her right away. Yashiro fetches the watering can.

Aoi did the same as Yashiro has done.

They both watered the vegetables simultaneously.

Aoi faced her. She made a gentle smile. "Nene-Chan, are you excited for tonight after school?" She asks.

Yashiro has her frightening face. "A-Aoi, about the p-party...M-maybe we s-should d-d-delay it..." She answers in her stuttering voice.

Yashiro trembles with her right arm, causing some sprinkles from the watering can.

Aoi became concerned. "Nene, you're shaking! And watch the watering can! You're gonna splash yourself!" She exclaims.

Yashiro stops watering the plants. She accidentally splashed a little bit of water on her right cheek.

Yashiro's right cheek skin becomes a few pink fish scales. She touches her right cheek with her right hand. Her magenta eyes are wide. "Eh!" Yashiro gasped. She ran to the rows of sinks.

Aoi watches her cream-colored-haired friend running. She was still concerned. "Nene, I see you're getting the spirit of Halloween. But it's just one night." Aoi reassured.

Yashiro instantly grasps the white hand towel. She rubbed her right cheek with the white hand towel several times. Yashiro kept going until the pink fish scales are gone. She touched her right cheek again. Yashiro sighed of relief.

Aoi halts watering the plants. She walked towards her. "Why would I delay the party on the actual day?" Aoi wondered.

Yashiro looks at Aoi. Yashiro was solemn. "Aoi-Chan, Akane-Kun was worrying about you." She replied.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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