Chapter 2

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On a dark autumn night, Avril had to leave her house to go to a store to purchase some groceries. Strong wind hit her face as she opened the door and stepped outside. The winds blew the loose strands of her straight, brunette hair which were done in a ponytail. Dry autumn leaves crunched under her sneakers. A thin ray of pale moonlight washed over her young, glowing face and lit up her almond-shaped, blue eyes and made them look celestial. She was walking towards the dark town as the grocery shop was in-between both the towns. She could feel someone's gaze on herself as the back of her neck twitched. Her spine stiffened up and she got tensed up. She has felt this several times before but, she has always ignored this feeling. Once, when she was in her bed at midnight, she even saw someone running around her house and peeping through her window but, she thought it was her imagination as she wasn't sure whether it was reality or she was just dreaming.

Avril could hear some footsteps, with each thud it would come closer. Her heart started beating fast and she gulped. She was frightened by the thought of someone following her because this place is deserted and there is no one she could go to for help. She paced her walk a bit and almost started running towards the store. She was on her feet now and she didn't stop to look back. Her sneakers quickly made their way through the fallen leaves as she glided on the road as fast as she could. When she finally reached the store she heaved a sigh of relief. She was exhausted and gasping for air but, she was glad she was back into light as the street along the store was lit up but, the rest of the part, from where she came was dark.  She opened the sliding, glass door and stepped inside the store. A middle-aged woman who was sitting at the counter smiled at her as she made her way inside. She grabbed a basket and went to the food section and grabbed what she needed. She was planning to go home soon before it would get darker outside. After paying at the counter and picking up her shopping bag, she hurried outside the store. She quickly made her way across the roads. This time, she didn't feel anyone watching her and she felt less unsafe. After reaching her the front porch step of the huge manor where she lived with her parents and her younger sister, Anna, who were out today, she took out  her keys in her pocket and slid them into the lock and then, kicked the door open as she walked inside her house.

"Avril." She thought she heard her name so, she turned around walked outside her house again. No one was in sight. The trees towered over her house and the only light here was the moonlight. She squinted her eyes in the darkness to make sure there was no one outside who called her. But, once again, there was nobody. She thought to herself-"May be, I'm cooking up all this stuff by myself? Since a few days, I haven't been able to sleep peacefully, I have disturbing thoughts and now, I hear someone calling me, someone watching me. My own thoughts drive me crazy. I'm driving myself crazy. I need to stop this. I have been daydreaming a lot lately." What she didn't know is that the thing which she has mistaken as a daydream is worse than any nightmare she has ever seen.

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