Chapter 5

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Avril was woken up by a shrill scream. She tried to adjust to the brightness of the room by narrowing her eyes and when she looked around her heart sank upon the realization that she was in an unfamiliar room and the past events of getting attacked came flooding back to her memory. She tried to sit up but, fell back down. Her heart was racing fast and she didn't know what to do. Her head throbbed and to make things worse, she was tied up to a bed and the door of the room was closed.  She tried to make a sound "Hellooo..." and let her voice trail off because as soon as she spoke her throat ached. It felt like she hadn't drunk water for ages. "Why am I here? What did I do? Who brought me here? Why?"-her curiosity had no end. She put her head between her knees and began sobbing. Just then, the door opened.

She looked up with her teary-blue eyes. A man with curly hair was standing near the door, eying  her up and down as she began shuffling under the bed sheets. He cleared his throat as he saw her discomfort and then he introduced himself while leaning over the door, in an unique husky voice, "I'm Harry. Umm.. You have to get ready for a task so, I will untie you and then, you can take a shower there." "But, why am I here"-she asked Harry as her blue eyes glistened up with both curiosity and tears. "You would know soon."-with that he came towards Avril and started untying the ropes near her wrist. He slowly began uncoiling them. She noticed his features carefully, his forehead formed a crease as he was putting effort into loosening up the rope, his green eyes were focused, his lips formed a straight line and his muscles were tensed up. She had to admit, he was good-looking. Although she didn't know who he was or what she was doing with him in an unknown room, she didn't flinch at his touch. He sent out the vibe of a weird comfort "It is done."-Harry's sudden voice startled Avril as she backed up a bit. Harry smirked at her reaction and said "Okay, so now, you can take a shower if you like and you can get clothes from that wardrobe." She nodded as he left. 

Her wrists and ankles hurt as they had been tied up for a long time and blood circulation was almost cut. She was still pretty scared and shaking with fright, she had never felt so helpless in her entire life when she didn't know where she was and she couldn't do anything about it. Her head was dizzy but, yet, she did her best to stay strong. She stepped inside the shower and let it pound over her head. It helped her ease the tension that had built up on her. She washed her hair and just stood under the shower with her eyes closed and tried to recall the past events. She remembered everything, how she was walking home from college and then, she was attacked and so, she ended up being here. The thought of her family being worried for her caused the brimming of tears in the corners of her eyes. But soon after, she forgot about her family as her mind got occupied with another thought. Who attacked her? It wasn't Harry, for sure. Then, why was he here? Where is the person who attacked her? She switched of the shower, wrapped one of the towels around her body and walked out of the shower. There were many dresses in the wardrobe, she picked a light blue dress with frills at the end and let her hair fall freely, she combed them with the hairbrush she found near the dressing table. 

She was physically present in the room but, her mind was wandering elsewhere, trying to figure out ways for escaping. A knock on the door snapped her out of her trance. A handsome  man with dark hair was standing at the door. He had a bit of tan, some stubble around his perfectly shaped face, he also had brown eyes and muscular body and the corners of his pink lips were twitched in a sly smile. She threw a questioning glance towards his direction. He only shook his head and took her hand in his. She was taken aback by the sudden contact so, she looked at him with wide eyes. The man chuckled at her innocence and leaned over her so his mouth was near her ear, he could feel shivers spread through out her body like sparks which made him come even closer to her. She would have jerked her hand away from his grasp but, she didn't because he was way too strong and he was blocking her way so she had nowhere to run to. "Sweetheart, I'm glad you're here. Let's go downstairs."- he spoke and he let his lips linger over her ear. She was shocked and she stood frozen to her spot because she had recognized the voice. It was the same person who attacked her. The way he said "sweetheart" sent shivers down her spine. He started craning his neck towards her so he would directly look into her blue eyes. She lowered her gaze as he stared at her. He used one of his fingers to lift her chin up and placed his large hand on her cheek. "Beautiful."-he said admiring Avril's features as she was shaking with fear internally but, trying to look strong. His face was so close that she could feel his breath on her lips every time he exhaled. "Zayn, come here."-Liam's voice interrupted their small "interaction". Zayn looked quite annoyed as he had to let go of Avril's face. "I'll be back."- and then, he pressed his warm lips on her cheek. He left the room but, Avril still felt the tingling sensation where his lips just have been.


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