Chapter 22

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The picture is the manip I made for Zavril.


17th August, 2015

Today was an eventful day for me. I took Avril out for a movie which was something I had been planning on for a long time. It might seem weird to others that a criminal is taking a victim for outings but, to me, it's not. I don't consider this a crime. I have loved her and I knew not having her around will drive me crazy. Seeing her from afar and the fear of losing forever was starting to eat me alive. I needed her. I took her away from everyone and as selfish as it seems, I don't care. After years of both mental and physical struggle, I needed someone who would bring my sanity back to me. She is the tranquility I needed in my life. She calms me down but, she is also the one who makes me want to burst in flames.

I never knew what love felt like; I was never loved, always feared. People were intimidated by the power I have in my hands but, they also looked at me with pity as I was someone who was in need of being loved but, never admitted it. My ego always had the upper hand with all my other feelings. I used to think I was enough was myself, I never felt that I would ever want someone so badly, so desperately, like I wanted Avril. She is the light, I'm the darkness. Unfortunately, I had to block her sunshine out so that I could keep her with myself. I didn't want anyone else to know about us, I want to keep her with myself, away from the people, where she's all mine. I can't bear to see anyone else laying a single finger on my Avril. I might be possessive but, that's just because I'm afraid to lose her.

People will never understand our relationship, it's barely legal. But, I never really cared about what they thought of me. All that matters is what she thinks of me and as it appears, she is starting to warm up towards me. I want to devour every moment of our love. Her fear slowly changed into affection and I don't know why or how but, I'm just grateful because I finally have something which was craved by me for my whole life.

There is something that makes me happy; I have never valued my life so much. Now, I have someone to come home to and I love the feeling of having someone who is waiting, just for me.

I couldn't have been happier. Wherever I am in my life tight now, I'm content.

Zayn x


Zayn felt his heart swell up every time he heard Avril call his name. He treated her with respect, with affection. It was something he had never done for anyone before.

Avril stood in the balcony, looking down to the city with light breeze blowing her long hair over her face. She saw a shadow appear from behind her and a faint smell of a manly cologne spread through the breezy atmosphere. She felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and then one came up to her face and tucked a loose strand behind her ear. "Avril?"-Zayn said in an imperative tone. "Hmm?"-She hummed in response. "Are you happy?"-he didn't know in which way he meant that, whether he wanted to know if she was happy in the current situation or whether she was happy to be with him but, she nodded her head anyway and smiled to herself. He leaned down to her height and pressed his warm lips on her forehead.

Zayn turned her towards himself so she was facing him. He placed both of his hands against her cheeks and bended forward. Avril's heart seemed to start beating faster and faster as his lips slowly made their way to hers. She felt the sparks shooting through her body again; just like every time Zayn comes near her. She didn't care anymore if this was wrong, she liked the feeling of having him around and surprisingly, she had stopped feeling guilty for loving him. She badly wanted to escape but, it seemed like Zayn's love has locked her in.

Their lips moved slowly against each other and one of his hands was around her cheek and another rubbing circles around her lower waist. Their chests were pressed together and it seemed like they would never let go. They wanted to stay like that forever. Their love was so passionate; they couldn't get enough of each other. Their hunger for love was insatiable. This could have had unpleasant consequences but, at this time, they could care less.

They had so many feelings trapped inside them; they just let themselves explode into the kiss. There was so much love but, danger was lurking just around the corner.


My twitter- ria17sep

I'm so sorry for not updating for a month. I really am. 

Forgive me lovely readers, now, I promise I'll update this book at least twice a week.

Thank you. :)

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