Chapter 24

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Dedicated to- Vanz_OneD , swathygops and GopsWatty_4


He didn't find a single trace of her when he opened his eyes on the morning which was the most dreaded by him. He expected to wake up and look into the pair of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen but, it didn't happen. Avril can escape-this was something Zayn was aware of but, he avoided thinking about it as he thought that he was finally successful in making her fall for him and there was nothing to be scared of.

He thought maybe Avril was just somewhere around the hotel and he was panicking for no reason so, he decided to check all the surroundings first. Despair hit him like a truck when he realized that she was nowhere to be found and even her bag was missing.

He knew his worst nightmare was slowly fading and shaping his reality. He lost his love. Feeling utterly bet rayed and shattered, he turned over a vase as it fell to the ground while crumbling into pieces. This is what he did when he was in anger he destroyed things, he destroyed lives.

He felt betrayed. It was something he couldn't imagine -the girl, whom he loved with everything in him although there wasn't much except darkness, left him after making him believe in a beautiful lie. He was broken. There were no words to describe his feelings when he didn't wake up beside her. He wanted her bad. He knew he had to do something. "She couldn't have gone far, I'll get her back."-He murmured to himself as he slammed the door and went stomping out of the hotel to his car.

He was right, she hadn't gone far. She was a few kilometers away, sitting under a tree and sobbing. She didn't have any plans about where she would go. She didn't know how to, all she wanted was to feel safe for once. She was tired of running and living in fear. She wouldn't want to admit but, she knew that she felt safe when she was with Zayn even if he was the danger. She cursed herself for not being able to make right choices just because she fell for someone she shouldn't have. Her life was taking unexpected turns almost all the time and there was nothing she could do to change her destiny. She missed her family but, she missed Zayn too. Nothing felt right to her at that moment. Nothing made sense but, she missed the warmth of him. She wanted to love him even if he was covered in sin. Both of their lives were messed up and they didn't know how to make it right. They didn't know what was right.

She was wanted by the man who was feared by all.

Zayn drove slowly as he observed each and every street he passed. He was determined to find Avril. On the outside he looked fine but, he was crying on the inside. He appeared to be tough but, every ounce of his dark soul craved Avril's presence beside him. Suddenly, nothing in this world mattered more to him than Avril. He wanted to see her, to touch her and to hold her so she would never leave him because he knew life without her would either drive him crazy or he would drive everyone else crazy. He wondered why he can't be happy once, he keeps losing all the people he loves.

He started driving faster as he was losing patience. He wanted to see her desperately. Avril didn't know where to go and this town was unknown to her so she decided to sit and plan what to do but, after some time, she started feeling hopeless and she thought that she would never see her family again. It wasn't easy for her; either she would lose her family or Zayn. She didn't know which one would hurt more.

Sometimes, the fact that she fell in love with a criminal disgusted her but, then, she would remember his soul isn't as black as it appears to be. He just needs love to mend him. But, she couldn't give it to him.

As he was driving, something caught his eye. A girl sitting with her knees bent as she kept her head on them and cried. Dark hair covered her face as loud sobs escaped her mouth. He could recognize Avril's voice even if it was muffled. He realized that it was Avril by her hair and her voice but, he wasn't sure so, he got out of the car and went closer to her. Relief washed over him as he bent down and a splash of strawberry scent hit his nose. "Oh, how I missed that scent of yours."-He whispered as he put his arm around her. She was alarmed even before the realization of being caught again hit her, he said again-"You really thought you were going to make it far?" She slowly looked up with tearful eyes as Zayn looked down at her smiling victoriously. She gulped and asked in a shaky tone-"Why are you doing this to me?" He smiled and said-"I love you." Avril let out a shriek and hit him in the chest as she screamed-"You are insane." His smile never faltered as he said with a sigh-"I'm way past that."


This is so messed up.

My twitter- ria17sep

Thank you. :)

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