Chapter 8

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"Avi, look there's a waterfall nearby. Let's go check it out."-Avril's sister Anna shouted from across the sunflower fields.  It was a sunny day, the flowers swayed with the winds as Avril ran past them to follow her sister. When they both reached the waterfall they both stared at it in awe. It looked majestic. Crystal clear water rushed from above the rocks and made its way to the river flowing peacefully beneath it. The water was clean as the clear blue reflection of the sky could be seen in it and the golden sun rays falling over it made it more beautiful. Avril sat on the edge of one of the rocks and dipped her legs in the water. Cool water surrounded her legs, calming her. She closed her eyes enjoying the water and summer breeze as it blew her brunette hair.  She put her palms together to form a cup and filled some of the river water in it. She splashed it on her face which made her relax even more. She closed her eyes again not wanting to be disturbed.

Some of the water got spattered on her. She scowled in annoyance and opened her eyes to see Anna, who was standing waist-deep in the water, grinning at her. "Aren't you gonna come with me and swim?" "Nah, I'm fine here. Sometimes it's better sit peacefully than going around splashing water on everyone like an animal."- Avril retorted with a smirk. Anna pouted and said "Why do you always have to be so grumpy? Come on, it won't take long." "Fine."-Avril huffed. She carefully stood up from the rock and tried to balance herself and not to fall flat on her face. "Okay, give me your hand." Avril did as Anna instructed and moved forward to where she was standing while holding her sister's hand. She shivered as cold water suddenly came up to her waist but, she enjoyed the feeling of being able to swim in a river on a hot sunny day. Avril smiled and Anna said proudly "See, I told you this was gonna be fun." Avril simply nodded as they made their way to the center of the river where the force of water was the most.

They were in the middle of the river now, they had to grab onto something to keep their balance otherwise they would be carried away by the river. They were holding each other's hands and the rocks near them. The water came almost till their chests."Hey look, a fish!"- Anna exclaimed and she let go of Avril's hand in excitement but, she was holding a rock and Avril was holding nothing but, Anna's hand for support. Avril was totally unaware and unprepared for the thing that was about to happen. Water rushed in from the opposite direction and Avril was not able to stop herself, she would have to go wherever the waves carried her, she couldn't swim against the current. The water came over her like a flood. She struggled to breathe due to the weight and strong current of the water. Some water had entered through her ears and she was almost deaf to everything around her. She was desperately trying to find some plant or a rock to grab on but, she found none because she was in the middle of the river. She closed her eyes, all the breath in her got knocked out and her chest was rising and falling, trying hard to be able to breathe but, hardly any air reached her lungs as more and more water washed over her. She let out screams for help from her sister but, of course, Anna couldn't do anything. Her sister was trying her best to help her but, she couldn't step in the middle of the river. She tried to go back and get help but, then she remembered, there is no one around here, they were in a forest. After a while, she couldn't even see her sister properly, she was floating farther and farther and she looked like a dot from the shore. Anna was crying and apologising for a completely irresponsible act saying "It was the spur of the moment, I'm so sorry Avi."

Avril threw her head back knowing she couldn't do anything about it. She had flown very far and she was near the cliff which leads to another waterfall. She knew she wouldn't survive the fall. She remembered all the people she loved one last time- her mom, her dad, her friends, her sister; though she knew she was in this situation because of Anna, she forgave her and reminisced all the good times with her. She remembered God for the one last time and then, she felt her back being scratched by rough edges of something. She realized she was at the edge of cliff. First, she felt her head being in the air and then, slowly her body. She was now falling freely with the waterfall from the cliff into the river beneath her screaming at the top of her voice realizing it's the last time ever she will be happy so, she decided to smile while Anna sat on the shore wiping her tears still looking for some way to find Avril.

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