Chapter 3

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If Avril only knew, that she wasn't wrong about being watched. She lived in the dangerous part of the city where most of the people avoided going to but, she never seemed to mind it. She thought the perception that people have of this place that this is a dark town and you would not return alive if you come here is overrated. She had tried to convince her friends who lived in the brighter part of the town several times to visit her house and they get excited as she lives in a old and huge manor and they love exploring but, once they come to know where she lives, they all drop the idea. She always get annoyed when they have sleepovers at everybody's house and just not hers. She had a light dinner and drifted off to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"Avril, dear are you still sleeping? Come downstairs the breakfast is ready"-Avril was woken up by her mother's voice. She realized that they must have come home while she was sleeping last night. She slowly placed her feet on the cold wooden floor as her hand slipped of the duvet that was coiled around her body. She rubbed her eyes, which she was struggling to keep open and walked downstairs through the stairwell as her hand gripped the banister. She headed towards the bathroom and took a warm shower which relaxed her and properly woke her up.

After her shower she decided to have breakfast. "Hello, Avi."-Her sister, Anna hugged her as she sat down on the dining table with her family. Her father had his nose buried in today's newspaper and her mother was serving them pancakes. "Avi, you have to finish your breakfast fast. You have college today and you already woke up late.-Her mother said in a panicked tone. Avril replied "Yeah mom, I forgot to set my alarm yesterday." She finished her breakfast and went to her room to get ready. Avril decided on wearing a pink sheath top with a pair of faded jeans. She peered at the makeup-less reflection of her face in the mirror. She took her comb and brushed the knots in her hair and let them fall freely over her shoulder and applied a thin line of eyeliner and a bit of lip gloss. She grabbed her bag and left for college waving "bye" to her family. She skipped out of the door humming a song to herself. Suddenly, she felt being watched again. Sunlight was scattered everywhere but, she still felt scared even though it was daytime. She was alarmed and she started looking everywhere to make sure she was alone here. She straightened her back and tried to walk confidently as she had read somewhere that your body language affects the predator if you don't look scared, he won't harm you.

Zayn Malik, the member of the gang-One Direction that has been kidnapping women from all around the city, was watching her from afar and she had absolutely no clue. He had been sent here to look for another victim and he had his eyes set on Avril for two weeks now. There was something about the aura around her that strangely intrigued him in so many ways even he couldn't understand. He carefully noticed her features and had them carved them in his mind. The way her brunette hair sways with the wind. The way sometimes her blue eyes have a twinkle in them. The way her pink and full lips curl up when she smiles. He could never get her face out of his mind. He had kidnapped many women before but, Avril took up most of his time. Now, he was planning to make his move soon. 

Avril, felt that she was being watched but, she soon shook of the feeling and paid more attention to her phone instead. Her eyes followed her fingers as they scrolled across her phone for new messages. After a few minutes of walking she reached her college and entered the huge campus. Zayn had followed her till the college as he does every day from a place where he could see her but, she couldn't see him. He follows her to her house too and sometimes spends most of time trying look into her house and trying to collect more information about her. He stalks her everyday and she is their next victim because she lived close by and to Zayn she appeared as a young and innocent girl who was naive and will give into him easily. Yet, he let her take up the most of time he has ever spent kidnapping the girl because he had this peculiar sensation and a craving to know more about her. But, he kept this feeling to himself and decided to be more determined after all, this was his job.


Hello people. I'm Ria, your author. So, finally Zayn is here, the intersting part begins.. :) I would try to update more often and make them long. Once again I'm gonna say, this Alternate Universe (AU). All of this is fiction, it is made up and this all my imagination. Real One Direction is nothing like "the" One Direction in my story. Okay? I love you all. If you have any questions here is my twitter handle- ria17sep. Bye. :)

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