Chapter 25

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Dedicated to Vanz_OneD , swathygops and GopsWatty_4 because y'all are baes.


It wasn't long before Avril was back at the hotel she thought she was leaving behind forever. A part of her wanted this but, another one didn't. She thought she could spend her entire life debating over how the decisions she made were right or how she was just destroying everything.

Zayn was content that he found Avril but, he felt betrayed. He felt cheated on; it was one of the worst feelings in the world. The amount of pain Avril gave him was more than all of his bitter experiences gave him but; it was crazy how he still loved to death.

Their love wasn't easy, it fell prey to all sorts of evils of the world and it was vulnerable. But, that's how their story started too. It was born through the fire and they had a lot of sparks coming their way so, their love never died.

His heart ached as after ages he placed his trust on someone and then, just like every time he got deceived. His scars never heal; they keep getting deeper and deeper. Avril was someone who could finally heal them but, she had her own scars to take care of too. Both of them were bruised in different ways and didn't know how to be in love but, he thought he knew how to so, he convinced her into thinking she did too. Their story kept getting twisted and twisted until she couldn't take it anymore but, he just wasn't ready to accept that.

Avril was on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying but, she felt like doing it. It was the only form of expressing herself since she couldn't do anything else out of fear. The amount of pain she went through wasn't any less than Zayn's. It wasn't easy for her to betray someone she had begun to love. She didn't know what else to do; it broke her heart to leave him like that.

Zayn was determined to appear tough and strong so that she doesn't dare to break any rules because he had seen how being the lover-boy Zayn did him no good. "Hurry up, Avril. Get dressed, we're going out."-He said in a stern tone without even looking at her face, he was trying hard really hard but, actually all he wanted to do was kiss her hard and remind her who's in charge. "Where are we going?"-she whispered as she wiped her tears. "You don't need to know."-he mumbled and walked away leaving her alone with her thoughts again.

She slowly got up and changed into a dress as she didn't want to annoy Zayn and she was way too tired to argue with him. When he saw her, he fought the urge to just grab her and kiss her with all the passion he has got and he simply said-"I'm waiting downstairs." Both of them got into his car and he started driving. Even after Avril repeatedly asked questions about where they were going, he didn't answer her.

Heavy silence fell over them, there was tension between them but, both of them pretended that it wasn't. The drive seemed to take forever but, at last it came to a halt as he ordered her to get out of the car. Normally, he was the one who would open doors and gates for her but, today, he was ruder than ever.

As she stepped outside and took in the surroundings, she realized that they were the only ones there. It was surrounded by tall trees and barely any sunlight reached the roads. Avril didn't want to admit but, she felt scared at the thought of being all alone here in the darkness. "What are we doing here?"-Her voice came out shaky. "You don't have to know that, dear. It turns out that I'm the one who has been making a fool of himself. All I asked for love but, you had to spoil it all. No worries princess, I have my ways of getting what I want."-with that he took a step towards Avril as she instinctively backed away but, that didn't stop him because this he was determined to get what he wanted.


Hello, I just wanted to say I wrote another Zayn fanfic called "Let's Fanboy". I know I don't update my fanfics especially this one, very often but, from now I'll try my best to be regular with updates.

I love you all.

My twitter- ria17sep

Thank you for reading. :)

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