Part 3 : Misunderstanding

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Let's get started!!!!

Taehyung POV :

I saw her entering the lecture as always beautiful,she came and sat beside me I felt her stare on me ; I was enjoying it so I took my eyes off my book and glanced at her which made her eyes go wide.

Taehyung : Cute(in his mind)
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my one and only best friend.
Jimin: Taehyung~shii lecture is over let's goo we have match.
Taehyung sighs and walks away

When he glanced over me suddenly i just lost my control, whole zoo in my stomach, heartbeat running like it's in marathon ; he didn't take off his eyes I just felt like my heart was about to explode but thanks to my oppa he came at exact. Same time i was relieved but he leaving made me more sad.
Suddenly a felt warm hug ;

Irene : Y/N~shii where are you lost ??
Y/N : Nope nothing .
Jungkook : Oo come on Y/N stop daydreaming (while ruffling my hair )
Y/N : Yaaahh Jeon jungkook don't you dare touch my hair again or else-
Jungkook : Or else what idiot!!
I threw water from my bottle on his face; by looking at his face I couldn't control.
Jungkook : Yaaahh Lee Y/N you asked for your death!!!
Y/N : Nooo jungkook!!!( I started running while leaving my bag on the floor)

Time skip ~~

I was laying on my bed and scrolling through my phone , i heard some giggles from downstairs and heard my eomma calling me.
Y/N eomma : Y/N come downstairs someone is looking for you.
Y/N : Coming eomma~
I sighed and went downstairs just to find my favourite aunt.
Y/N : Aunt!!!(while hugging her tight)
Jimin : Yaaahh!! leave my eomma.
Y/N : Noo, Noo i won't after a long i am meeting my cutiepie aunt!!!
JM eomma : Omoo!! My little Y/N has grown up so much.
Y/N : Nope I m still your little Y/N (while pouting)
Jimin : Yes a lot little (while teasing by height)
Y/N : Says the one who is short (says while smirking)
Jimin : Lee Y/N you better not or else-
Y/N : Or else what shortie!?
Y/N eomma : Aiish you both don't start ,Y/N go and get changed we are going out for dinner .
Y/N : Sure eomma

I went back to my room to get changed after a long period after being fashionsta infront of the mirror
I wore this ~

I went back to my room to get changed after a long period after being fashionsta infront of the mirror I wore this ~

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Time skip at restaurant ~

Jimin : Did you forget about being my servant for a month??( in a whispering tone)
Y/N just rolled her eyes.
Y/N : Me when are you out of your mind !?
Jimin : Oh so you want me to take another way huh?
Y/N : Eomma can we order now I'm really hungry.

On other hand, jimin took a chance and pour water on Y/N thighs; Y/N gasped before she could speak he walked out of restaurant in a pace.

Y/N : Damn that shortie is gonna regret now for sure!!(in her mind)
With that she left behind him, she maintained his pace and smirked at him
Jimin : Uh what do you want ? ( in a nervous tone )
Y/N : What you did inside is unforgivable Mr shortie you better apologize!
Jimin : Yaahh better behave I'm your oppa!!
Y/N : But you have said don't treat me as your oppa but a close friend so why not give you back something in return (while stretching her fingers and smirking )
Before she moved her fingers to flick jimin's forehead she frozed at her spot by looking at ~
Kim taehyung embracing a girl in hug ; jimin followed her eyes and looked at the direction his eyes went wide

Taehyung POV :

I noticed someone familiar ; I saw Jimin and Y/N and waved at them while walking towards them.
I saw Y/N she was looking so adorable but sexy, I kept my thoughts aside and looked at the direction she was staring which like always got interrupted;

Jimin: Kim taehyung!!! Who is she ?? Did you get girlfriend before me!!
Taehyung : Calm down jimin~shii we are just hanging out .
?? : Oppa!! You were talking me out for dinner .(she said while pouting)
Taehyung : I will don't worry (while giving a soft smile)
Jimin : Will you introduce her to us ?
Taehyung : Sure , she is Kristen and she ( got cut off)
Kristen : I am oppa's girlfriend (blushing)
I looked at her and wide my eyes in confusion ~like what the hell she just said ~ while my eyes moved to check upon Y/N but she wasn't there.


When she was talking in cute way I could feel rage in my body but my heart felt pang when he smiled at her and next moment she said she is his girlfriend I felt like my heart just got stabbed. I couldn't understand anything I turned away and ran towards my bathroom as I reached near i just lost it;
Y/N : Why?Why??Why??? It hurts soo bad.
I cried my heart out while hugging myself I just wished I couldn't have seen this or this moment could have just vanished away . I could see my eyes puffy , nose red in the room ; after a while i splashed water on my face and went to my family again .

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