Part 11 : Proposal

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We all gathered in my house to discuss the surprise proposal but my mind was somewhere else....

Flashback :
After spending time with tae , I plopped myself on my bed as i was kinda tired but got irritated as my phone started ringing I groaned and accepted the call as it was unknown number...

Y/N: Hello....
?? : Hello dear how are you doing ??
Y/N : Huh appa why are you calling from another number and where's eomma!!??
Y/N appa : Appa and eomma are great princess we just want you to take care of yourself...
Y/N : But appa where are you both when will your business trip get over!!
Y/N appa : Princess we can't assure you now but soon we will come to you alright.
Y/N : Appa i really miss you both and i wanna introduce someone to you....
Y/N appa : Appa has to go now I will contact you soon...
Y/N : But appa.....Hello appa(sigh)

Present time:

I just hope they are safe and come home soon , i sighed and forced a smile as I didn't want anyone to be troubled by me; I entered my room...
Y/N : Here here I come ; dig in!!!!
Jungkook : Because of thinking ideas I am a lot hungry!!(while munching macron)
Irene : When you are not hungry bunny!!(while rolling eyes)
Jimin : That's right that's right at least someone has guts to tell him....(while chuckling)
Y/N : Stop worrying him guys yaahh jungkookie it's all yours eat how much you want !!!
Jungkook : You are best y/n-aah (while shoving two macrons)
We all started laughing at his paboness and we also started to dig in the yummmy food..
Y/N : So did you came up with any ideas!!!?
Jimin : Of course !!
Irene : Yess it's gonna be best proposal forever!!!
Jungkook : Yess it will it will hyung won't forget ever!!!
Y/N : Really!!! I can't wait to hear them !!
Irene/Jungkook/Jimin : You gonna ignore him.....
Y/N : What??? That's impossible!!!
Irene : Oo come on if you want something sweet you have to taste something bitter or spice !!!
Jungkook : And it's not for lifetime come on it won't be difficult...
Jimin : And it's all about you both you can do it pabo !!!(while smiling wide)
Y/N : If it's like that I won't mind and I wanna see you too what he does if I ignore him...(while smiling mischievously)
Irene : Soo, basically you gonna ignore him and then after University stuff is done we will get him to our usual park and there we will do all arrangements and then your work will start!!!!
Y/N : What!?What my work aren't you gonna tell me that !!!
Jimin : Of course not dumbhead that you have to decide....(while flicking my forehead )
Y/N : Oww!!! Still how can I alone do it ???
Jungkook : (while chuckling) Then should we also propose hyung !!
Y/N : Lame!! It didn't relax or made me laugh at all....
Irene/Jimin: Agreed...
Irene : Alright alright now don't stress over nothing and relax because tomorrow is big day(while hugging me )
Soon I was in a warm group hug , after few hours Irene and jungkook bid me and oppa as oppa went to his girlfriend...

Jungkook POV :

After spending time at Jimin hyung's house now I was alone with my carrot...She was looking so beautiful as always I couldn't take off my eyes as i pulled her closer by her waist I could see her cheeks turned into crimson red which she tried to hide by looking away. I turned her around to face me as she gasped..

Irene: Are you crazy let go let go me!!
Jungkook : No way(in a raspy voice)
Irene: L-look it's too late kookie (in a nervous tone)
Jungkook : Why are you getting nervous i didn't even do anything (while smirking )
Irene : Me nervous haha keep dreaming (while looking away)
Jungkook : I always dream about it princess but let's make it real today...
Before she could speak anything I held her chin and smashed my lips onto her , she got startled but soon kissed me back , i ran my hand through her lower back and held her neck to deepen the kiss ,our tongues started playing with each other soon we parted for air....
Irene : I love you (while breathing heavily)
Jungkook : i love you more my carrot (while kissing her forehead)
I could see her blushing as soon she wrapped her hands around my waist and hid her cute blushing face in my chest ...
Jungkook: Tomorrow be ready after we are done with arrangements
Irene : Why??
Jungkook : It's a secret(while pecking her nose)
Irene : Come on tell me you can't do this to me....(while pouting)
Jungkook : It's special carrot and don't be so cute see I won't let you go home....
Soon we walked home and bid goodbye to each other...

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