Part 24 : Coming for you ~

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Taehyung POV :

I chuckled sadly as I knew he is still angry and I can't blame him as it is all my fault but still I hoped him to help me... glancing one last time at my phone wallpaper my lips curved into a smile...

Taehyung: I am coming for you love...


Author POV :

As the sun rays slightly passed through the window and entered the room while spreading in each corner of the room as it hit on taehyung's face which instantly made him cover his face, disturbing his peaceful sleep....He groaned and rolled on the other side of the bed as he kicked off his blanket whilst slowly opening his eyes , rubbing his eyes he yawned and glanced out at the balcony; he grabbed his phone from the table as his famous boxy smile appeared on his lips as he said in his deep husky voice ....
Taehyung : Good morning angel...
Suddenly a bark caught his attention as a small smile tugged on his lips and spread his hands instantly to embrace that little creature.....
Taehyung : Good morning tan !!!!
Engulfing yeontan more in his embrace and nestling into his fur as he started moving and barking, a chuckle left his mouth....
Taehyung : Tan let me tell you a secret!!(whispering tone)
As obediently yeontan stared at him and tilted his head as he was eagerly waiting to hear his secret as taehyung giggled observing his actions suddenly he licked his face which made him giggle more....
Taehyung : Alright..alright I won't make you wait the secret is, i am going to meet Y/N, your soon to be eomma(mom)....
He covered his cheeks as it reminded him of his beautiful angel as after a long ages ; he gonna meet her but a rush of nervousness spread in his mind as he got worried with many doubts but breaking his own thoughts a voice interrupted him as he groaned and kissed yeontan whilst getting off the bed....
Dragging his feet downstairs he passed a small smile as he settled down on the nearest chair....
Taehyung : Morning eomma appa...
Seokjin : You can't see me...
Taehyung : I do hyung..I was about to wish you good morning...
Seokjin shook his head as he passed a smile and continued eating his breakfast...
T/Appa : Taehyung you skipped work today...
Taehyung just nodded his head as he was about to speak his eomma interrupted him...
T/Eomma : Ooh Mr Kim let my son rest for a day....anyways taehyungaa do you remember Mr Song??
Taehyung : Yeah eomma...(uninterested tone)
T/Eomma : You know bear , his daughter is so beautiful -
Seokjin : Eomma do you need to mention it...
T/Eomma : Of course and joon ie have also got settled down, so I am thinking bear, you should also soon get settled with my soon to be daughter in law....
A loud and clear sigh left his mouth as he shook his head and instantly got up from the chair....
Taehyung : I need to freshen up please continue your breakfast...
As he quickly went upstairs while still thinking about how to meet Y/N....


Running through the alley while inhaling and exhaling long breaths as I glanced behind ,a smirk spread over my lips as I saw few men chasing me....swiftly stopping on my tracks I turned around and wore my mask and my eyes roamed around looking at their boring horrible faces

swiftly stopping on my tracks I turned around and wore my mask and my eyes roamed around looking at their boring horrible faces

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