Part 21 : Never meant for each other

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Previous part~

T/Appa : I am feeling much better taehyung...
Taehyung : Btw what are you doing here eomma appa, weren't you on vacation??
T/Appa : Taehyung you know, your hyung's must have informed about the party being held...
Taehyung : Yes appa...
T/Appa : It's for you taehyung..
Taehyung : WHAT!!!


Taehyung POV :

Seokjin : Omg !!! Eomma he shouts so much some day he's gonna lose his voice and I'll lose my hearing sense....
Taehyung : Be quiet hyung...
Seokjin : Are you talking back to your hyung huh ???
T/Eomma : Aigoo they aren't fully grown out of childhood only !!!! Don't you think same Mr.Kim !!??

I could see eomma appa smiling with whole heart...

T/Appa : I agree taehyung's eomma....
Taehyung : Eomma appa why celebration and all I still haven't succeeded big achievement !!??
T/Eomma : It doesn't matter if it is big or small but still you are successful in your work...
Taehyung : Whatever makes you happy eomma appa..

I walked away as I didn't wanted them to lose their smile even though now I am with my eomma appa and with my best cousins still I don't feel satisfy when i felt with Y/N....I sighed and regretted whatever i did to her I wished time would reverse back so I could tell her how much I love much wrong I was for not sharing my situation...

After the whole discussion of mission , hobi dropped me near cafe as I quickly made my way at the villa , as I opened the door with spare keys I saw jimin and aeri sitting on couch....

Jimin : Oh here you are Y/N !!
Y/N : Did i disturb you both !?
Aeri : Noo noo not at all Y/N....we were discussing something
Jimin : Yupp !!! Today I went for a meeting -
Y/ N : Aren't we on vacation oppa ??
Jimin: Oops !!! We are princess ,still when I went for a meeting my partner invited me to a party for tonight...
Y/N : Oh is that so....when is it!?
Jimin & Aeri : Tonight !!!!

As they mentioned I thought about mission which means I can't attend the party but what reason will I tell my brain started working in full speed but jimin oppa interrupted my thoughts...

Jimin : Princess, aeri wants to go on shopping will you join her ??
Y/N : I would love to but i ain't feeling well...
Aeri : What ?? Why aren't you feeling well Y/N !? Do you want me to get you water or something to eat??

I genuinely hate to lie my loved ones but as time has passed....I can't either trust myself on my own words...

Y/N : I'll just rest , oppa I can't attend the party...
Jimin : But Y/N -
Aeri : Noo noo it's alright you should rest Y/N...

As they went away , instantly I got a message from hobi to get ready for the mission and to reach on time.... immediately I tied my hair in a messy bun as I went in room and took off my clothes while entering the bathroom ; while turning on the shower I stood infront of mirror as i gaze into the mirror, my reflection stare me back, capturing the essence of my presence with intricate detail, revealing the subtle contours of my features and the depth of emotion in my eyes.....I sighed and soaked myself in water..

After half an hour ~

I wrapped myself in bathrobe and dried my hair and checked the messages which were all sent by hobi , he sent me location where we had to take weapons from some another guy... suddenly aeri barged into my room...

Aeri : Are you going somewhere Y/N !??
Y/N : Uh nope I said I ain't feeling well so-
Aeri : Oo come on you can't hide from me...are you going to meet someone!??

I couldn't help thinking and nodded my head as she squealed in happiness and embraced me....

Aeri : I knew it !!! You can't tell your oppa but you can share with me Y/N-aah....
Y/N : Aeri eonnie that-
Aeri : Oo come on you don't have to immediately tell me everything , you think about if you wanna share with me or not and tell me.....
Y/N : Sure aeri eonnie..
Aeri : Anyways I knew something was going I got you something which you will love, here try it on...

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