Part 23 : Thinking about you ~

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Previous part ~

Not gonna lie but i followed her as I got out of my car as I saw Y/N sitting on ground , I was about to rush and embrace her but froze as saw someone else embrace her, I remembered as he was the same guy...i fisted my palm as rage got over me when I was about to strangle that bastard but froze...

Y/N : He ruined my fucking life...I will fucking hate him even after my life...

Present part ~

Author POV
Present time it has been 5 years everything has totally changed ; Y/N has became a merciless and heartless mafia queen ruling over the fear of people , on other hand taehyung has became one of the three tycoons who rules over the world.....Jimin and his girlfriend got married and have a sweet cute little baby princess named Ji-Ae......Jungkook and Irene got married and now Irene is 4 months pregnant.....Suga and Hobi are close with Y/N from past years whereas Jin and Joon are already married and happy and also proud of taehyung handling everything without their help......

Let's get back with the story ~

While driving my car my eyes stopped at the ad where the magnificent, perfect figure and that deep eyes were staring at me just like mocking and taunting me !! I got out of car and stood infront of it...

Y/N : Why the fuck you are staring at me kim taehyung huh??
Silence as if that he gonna speak to me...
Y/N : Stop staring me....
Heart ached as I didn't get any replies not being in any sense I dragged my feet towards the car while grabbing a beer bottle I threw it with a force towards him...
Y/N : I fuckingg hatee youu.....
Holding hair in frustration, tears slipped from the edge of my eyes and made way to my cheeks as i chuckled while grabbing another beer....
Y/N : Its been years taehyung still I can't get over you....there's no way going back to our past but you are haunting me with beautiful memories , you are scaring me with your laugh where I want to find peace in your arms....
Gulping down the whole bitter taste of beer in one go , i smashed the bottle on the road , for the last time I glanced over him...
Y/N : You became a businessman huh what you hated the most....tsk tsk...such a liar jerk !!!

Sitting on my driving seat and holding the steering I held back my tears while threatening them not to fall but as always got betrayed by them as if they are my biggest enemy while wiping them and glancing over the mirror in the car...I chuckled sadly looking at my state...
Y/N : I fucking hate to accept but still my heart beats for you jerk kim!!

Taehyung POV :
Walking through the entrance of company everyone greeted me as i kept cold face like always just nodding while greeting everyone.....Past these years never a day has been missed out with this routine of my life which is just company-work-stress-family that's it....While being lost in my thoughts, I stood infront of elevator and got pulled out of thoughts by someone voice....
??? : Boss, elevator is here...
Taehyung : Huh uh...yes..
While looking at the owner of the voice , i entered the voice , i kept my gazed fixed as the elevator door closed...
??? : Boss is something bothering you??
Taehyung : No Mr Lee I am fine...
I nodded as he nodded back at me while passing a reassuring smile... Mr Lee was appa's assistant and past from two years working as mine assistant too as I don't like the idea of female assistant working with me.....
After few minutes , we got out of the elevator and made our way to my cabin as Mr Lee was explaining schedules and eyes caught two familiar figures as they turned around to me and waved at me....
Taehyung : Oh !!! what a pleasant surprise hm....
Seokjin: Hey our taehyungii!!!
Namjoon : We missed you taehyungaa!!!
I chuckled at their reactions,soon they hugged me tightly , I glanced over Mr Lee as he nodded and left from there...
Namjoon: Hyung don't you see reflection of appa in our taehyungii...
Seokjin : Omoo !!! I was going to say same ....
Taehyung : Hyung's are you done ??
I raised an eyebrow while giving a cold look as their face changed into serious one I couldn't held anymore but a chuckle escaped from my mouth....
Seokjin : Yaahh how can you scare your handsome hyung like this???
Taehyung : Sorry but it was funny....Btw hyung's weren't you on vacation with noona's so why you are here???
Namjoon : Ooh come on , we know how much you are working taehyung and we can't just throw all burden on you and last but not least this all will get discuss in today's meeting hm....
I nodded and turned on my laptop as I was about to start typing but suddenly my attention got caught onto the envelope on my desk...
Seokjin : Taehyung we did !!
Taehyung : What ?? Really hyung you did it ???
Seokjin: That's what is in that envelope...

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