Part 4 : Feelings

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I woke up with the help of alarm clock as always I slowly walked out of my bed and stood infront of my mirror . I couldn't see anything in my reflection just puffy eyes ,puffy face i almost looked like a ghost . I heard my eomma calling which cause me to get out of my thoughts .

Y/N eomma : Y/N are you good dear, do you wanna talk about it ?
I sighed and opened the door and my eomma got startled.
Y/N eomma : Omo!! My heart...
Y/N : Eomma i don't feel like attending university (in a low voice)
Eomma pulled me in a hug.
Y/N eomma: Y/N~aah if you want you can take a break but at least let eomma know what's wrong hmm?
I just hugged eomma really tight like she is only my stress reliever.

At University

Taehyung POV :
I was thinking about last night why Kristen just said that she is my girlfriend!! We were just hanging out to internet cafe. But most important I was thinking about Y/N where did she go ? Interrupting my thoughts (as you all know) I got slap on my head.

Taehyung : Grow up jimin~shii (while locking his neck in my arms )
Jimin: Alright alright leave me ( while chuckling )
Still I didn't left my grip and almost tighten it but keeping in mind not to choke him.
Jimin : Aiiishh !! Forgive me my lord .
Taehyung : You are forgiven my boy (while letting out a chuckle )
Jimin : Now tell me when you made girlfriend huh you didn't even tell me!!!
Taehyung : She isn't my girlfriend she is just- (let's out a sigh )
Irene : Jimin oppa !!! Did Y/N tell you she coming or not she is not even picking my calls that bish.

Not picking her bestie calls,what's wrong with Y/N!? why she is so weird or is it something else but why the hell I m worried!!??

Taehyung : She must be skipping lectures today.(in casual tone)
Jimin: She doesn't do that taehyung, let me try calling her.(in a worried tone)
Irene : It's turn off oppa, jungkook also tried calling her but it's turn off now.

Jimin POV :

I was hella worried about my pabo, last night while dinner also she was not in her state and didn't ate even though it was her favourite food. I could see her eyes were red like she cried her heart out. I wanted to ask her everything but she left without saying a word and now she isn't picking calls .
I quickly grabbed my keys and drove to her house; after 15 mins i reached her house ; I rang the bell and got greeted by my lovely aunt.

Jimin: Annyeong aunt!! Is Y/N home?
Y/N eomma : Yes jiminaa.but you here at this time ?
Jimin : Why isn't she picking my calls aunt ?
Y/N eomma: She is upset about something (let's out a sigh ). Can you try to talk with her ?
Jimin : Of course aunt.
I went towards her room upstairs. As i entered her room my eyes went wide by seeing her state. A big bucket of ice cream on her bed while she crying and scooping the ice cream.

Jimin: Yaahh!! Y/N what are you doing?(while snatching the ice cream bucket)
Y/N : o-oppa le-leave me a-alone (while crying hard)
Jimin: Omoo! Shuu shuu calm down Y/N ( while embracing her in my arms)
Y/N : o-oppa why i m so late i-i couldn't even tell my feelings ( while sniffling)
Jimin : To whom Y/N, i have all my ears let it out.(while caressing her hair)
Y/N : oppa my feelings got stronger for him how can I forget about him even though I have to.i like him a lot oppa noo nooo I love him a lot oppa but he isnt meant to be mine(in a low voice and crying more )
Jimin : Alright alright i understood my pabo but taehyung doesn't have girlfriend so stop overthinking ( while letting out a small chuckle)
Y/N : (with wide eyes) how-how you know oppaa!!!?? I was talking about tae.
Jimin : Of course after the way you reacted and always act weird infront of him isn't it obvious.
Y/N : I don't act weird when??how??where??did I act weird ??
I couldn't help laughing the way her whole expression changed.
Jimin: Now get up and get ready for university i won't wait whole day pabo!
Y/N : Noo i don't wanna come let me skip for today!!
Jimin: I'm waiting down in 5 mins I want you downstairs or else I m going to take you in this state only.(left while grinning)
She ran towards the bathroom in a flash of light, i couldn't help but laughed at her paboness.

Time skip at University ~


I calmed myself while entering the university without leaving jimin oppa's hand we went to the cafeteria as it was break time there i saw him sitting quiet but his eyes sparkling which holding whole universe, his style of eating in cute pout way

I calmed myself while entering the university without leaving jimin oppa's hand we went to the cafeteria as it was break time there i saw him sitting quiet but his eyes sparkling which holding whole universe, his style of eating in cute pout way

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which makes my heart boom boom I couldn't see anyone just him getting out of my thoughts by oppa almost dragging me to the seats, while Irene came running towards me.

Irene: Yaahh bish!!(while slapping my shoulder) I was worried for you damn you just keep your phone on next time.
Y/N : Bishh don't scold me (while pecking her cheeks and giggling)
Irene and I sat on the chair while his stare were on mine I couldn't hide my nervousness while i was feeling soo hot my cheeks were like red red tomatoes.
Jungkook : You dumbhead thinking to skip lectures huh I am your senior I will make sure if you take any leave (while giving a teasing smile).
Y/N: there was a reason I thought to not attend ( while pouting)
Jimin hit jungkook's arm.
Jungkook : Oww!!hyung I was also worried for this dumbhead.(while rubbing his arm)
Y/N: Aww my jungkookie got worried, sorry jungkookie I will inform you next time.(while pinching his cheeks).

I could feel stares on me, jungkook got flustered, Irene was cursing as I was making her jealous, jimin was unbothered but taehyung's stare was like leave his cheeks or else.
Our break got over soon and I went to my locker when in a speed of light I got pinned to my locker; i was about to beat that person shit but my eyes went wide as our nose were touching and lips only few inches apart-

Taehyung : do you like him!?(in a whispering tone)
Y/N : uhh wh-whom?
Taehyung: jungkook..
Y/N : what nooo wayy!!
I could see him staring me my heartbeat was soo fast it will win if it races in a marathon, it was all silence because lectures were started it was just us two staring each other no talking no movements just staring each other.But someone interrupted our special moment ( it's not the one you think😅)
Kristen : Oppaa!!! I am finding you from when (in a cute way but dramatic )
We both saw her but didn't even move one inch so she forcefully made us apart , I could see taehyung was beyond pissed off but why isn't she his girlfriend or whatever!? But he kept staring me whyy!??
Kristen: Hey! You stay away from my oppa got it!!
Before I could speak anything he just-
Taehyung : What the hell Kristen are you out of your mind huhh??? Who said you are my girlfriend?!!
Kristen : Oppa why you saying like this !!(in pout)
Taehyung : We just went to internet cafe it doesn't mean a date or it doesn't mean you will take advantage of me got that!!

Before she could speak anything, taehyung grabbed my hand and walked away. I could see he was angry at her behaviour but he was holding my hand so gently, I felt zoo in my stomach I couldn't stop blushing but then we were again in the same position but in auditorium.

Taehyung : did you mean it?
Y/N : um what?
Taehyung : you don't like him.
Y/N : of course i don't.
Taehyung : so why you run behind him and pull his cheeks and be close to him ?
Y/N : why do you care about it? care about your girlfriend.
He snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me closer leaving no gap between us I could feel my cheeks heating up as I was just trying to understand what is going on!!!?
Taehyung : she isn't my girlfriend or something got it.
I just shook my head.
Taehyung : why you act weird infront of me, don't you like me?why do you always avoid me?
Y/N : um stop bombarding questions at me.i don't avoid i just-
Taehyung: you just what ?
Y/N : um i just don't see you like I see jimin oppa and jungkook.
Taehyung : you don't see me as yours.
Y/N : nooo I meant I see you in another way.
Taehyung : in what way ? (while smirking)
Y/N : um stop teasing me ..
Taehyung : where I am doing anything y/n ?
He started moving his hands on my back and waist. I just got lost the way he was making me feel, a smirk was seen on his lips and eyes I couldn't read them which were showing something different but suddenly -

Find out in next part!!!🫰💜
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