Part 19 : You were never my past but my present

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Previous part ~

I didn't get any response instead I saw her walking away i hurriedly got off my chair but even though I couldn't embrace her , i couldn't hold anymore as tears fell from my eyes...

Taehyung: I wish it wasn't hallucination but I pray that you could really be with me cupcake....


Taehyung POV :

Covering my eyes with my palm to stop my tears which fall continuously brimming down my cheeks , unable to breathe without my world her face in my mind keeps repeating and another tear escapes ; I heard my door opening but not caring about anything i was just crying ,chest heaving up and down my heart called out her name as she could hear me calling her out.....i heard faint voice calling me...forcing my eyes to look at the person...

Seokjin : Taehyungii...
Taehyung : baby my angel..

I couldn't help but let my heart cry out this moment as hyung immediately pulled me into a hug...after few mins he handed me glass of water as I refused slightly pushing it away...

Seokjin : You can talk out to me your hyung is here with you....
Taehyung : Will you hear me out hyung ??(whispering tone)
Seokjin : Of course taehyungii...

I told him each and everything as he intently heard me out whilst i sighed and hung my head low , i could see hyung nodding as he came forward and patted my shoulder...

Seokjin : Why you didn't told her everything truly what if you both could be in long distance relationship??
Taehyung : i don't know hyung...
Seokjin : Did you tried to contact her ??
Taehyung : I don't have any courage hyung.... it-it's been over a year hyung...
Seokjin : But taehyung-
Taehyung : no hyung i appreciate you always being there for me .....but me and y/n weren't meant to be together...

I couldn't stop myself from breaking down as i stormed out of my cabin even though I could hear hyung calling me out I didn't stop .....


Struggling through the suitcase zipper finally I got ready for my real mission as i huffed out a sigh and wiped away my invisible sweat as I was about to walk in bathroom my phone rang whilst picking my bathrobe I picked my phone....

On call :
Y/N : Yeoboseyo (hello)
Suga : I have made every arrangement there just make this mission successful....
Y/N : Don't worry at all...
Suga : And listen there are slight changes in plan as the mission is now plot in party so you know what to do
Y/N : What ??? But with so difficulty I packed everything and you telling me now...
Suga : Aiiish that I don't know anything...
Y/N : I'll attend party in jeans and tee..
Suga : Go in anything you want just do the mission successful you dumb head...

As I was about to speak further he hang up from his side as I shook my head in annoyance and kicked the suitcase ; ignoring the suitcase I went in bathroom to refresh my mood....

After a refreshing shower I came out and saw aeri folding my clothes and arranging in suitcase her long bangs covering her eyes , she felt my presence as she glanced at me with her soft smile....No doubt oppa and she are perfect for each other....

Aeri : Long time no see Y/N-aah!!!

I just gave a nod as oppa came from behind and gently hugged her...I looked away as it always remind me of him that sweet memories are now thorns in my life...As aeri helped in arranging my suitcase and all, immediately I got into my outfit and got ready....

As aeri helped in arranging my suitcase and all, immediately I got into my outfit and got ready

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