Part 18 : Coincidence?? Fate??

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Previous part ~

Jimin : Princess you have to find that fucking person who did this to our jungkook....(in rage voice)
Y/N : Op-oppa it was me-me...

Further i couldn't speak I just felt a sting pain on my cheek....


Y/N : Ir-irene
Irene : Stop with your acts Lee Y/N...
Y/N : Let me explain Irene ,let's just sit and talk
Irene : Bullshit...I am warning you if anything happens to my man then I won't leave you
Y/N : Look trust me Irene nothing will happen to jungkook
Irene : Trust you, you are just a snake...
Jimin : What the hell are you even talking Irene , at least listen to her
Irene : Don't fall for it jimin oppa, trust me this girl is just a hallucination of a sweet good girl what she shows...
Y/N : What ???
Irene : Omg of course you did that because you are jealous right that jungkook and I are perfect couple ....
Y/N : Why would I be jealous infact I m soo happy...
Irene : Cut the crap, of course just because that taehyung left you in fact it's good he saw your true colours...

I couldn't help myself as I couldn't hear anymore about him or my bestie talking to me in this way , i couldn't think straight as i ran out of house....

Taehyung POV :

I got out of shower as I stood infront of mirror , a whole new kim taehyung who never stood near business craps and shits is handling it in his own ;  more like mastering it and paving the way but deep down I missed my girl, my thoughts interrupted by my little buddy...

I got out of shower as I stood infront of mirror , a whole new kim taehyung who never stood near business craps and shits is handling it in his own ;  more like mastering it and paving the way but deep down I missed my girl, my thoughts interrupte...

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Taehyung : Hey tannie you woke up early before appa could wake you ...
Maid : Young master..
Taehyung : Yes
Maid : First young master is waiting on dining table..
Taehyung : Hm coming...Hey tannie did you have brekkie??

Ever since I came here I couldn't even think right all I could was argue with hyung's but when tannie came in my life....I see something positive in life. I shrugged my thoughts away and went down only to greet my hyungs...

Taehyung : Hey good morning hyung
Seokjin: Oh good morning..
Namjoon : It's a whole new version of taehyung right hyung !!!
Taehyung: I have accepted to live my way...
Maid : Young master breakfast

I could see the seducing voice she just talked in which utterly pissed me she bent down a little just to expose...

Taehyung : Out !!
Maid : Young master did anything happen ??(while biting lower lip)
Taehyung : Don' ?
Seokjin : Tae calm down what happened??
Taehyung : Does this girl know her place huh ??
Maid : Excuse me
Taehyung : I am telling the last time OUT..

She flinched but walked away while stomping her feet , only I could sigh and thought that's the difference between my cupcake and others....she never asked for attention but always got mind was filled up with only her thoughts like every other day but suddenly train of thoughts got interrupted and I flinched ...

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