Part 22 : The Fatal Encounter

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Author POV :

As hobi and Y/N were moving into the crowd someone was already watching them while fighting with tears and frequently trying to breath.....
??? : Did you really move on??


Taehyung POV :

I could hear chattering noises , laughing , giggling which utterly irritated me , I'm never used to this all even though my parents and hyung's are with me still I missed my chaotic buddies especially I missed my cupcake as if now she would have been here , now we could have been clinging each other while talking sweet and cheesiest talks making us cringe and laughing on each other.... Unknowingly i found myself chuckling at my own thoughts infront of mirror as I noticed jin hyung staring me from door...

Taehyung : Hyung you need anything??
Seokjin : Taehyung celebration is already started so when you will come??
Taehyung : Oh almost ready hyung...
Seokjin : Taehyung can I ask you something???
I nodded as hyung continued to talk...
Seokjin: Are you still into that girl??

I got surprised but still nodded while grinning....

Seokjin : Have you changed your mind taehyung ??
Taehyung : What you are talking about hyung ??
Seokjin : Have you made up your mind to confront her and tell her everything???

As hyung mentioned it , I hung my head low as all the memories got replayed in my mind just how i hurted Y/N...suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder..

Seokjin : I know it hurts but taehyung at least she needs to know the truth and you will feel at ease....
Taehyung : Will she understand me hyung after knowing the truth!?
Seokjin : That how would I know but your heart knows her so don't be late!!!

I totally agree with hyung as I got more hopes that at least I might confront my girl and tell her each and everything , a smile curved on my lips thinking about us....

Seokjin: Waaa!!! After a long you smile for real....
Taehyung : Stop it hyung...
Seokjin: Alright , alright now let's get going everyone is waiting down....

I nodded as I glanced at my reflection in mirror for a last time whilst fixing my suit , I followed hyung with a straight face.....As we reached at the main hall, my eyes followed every person in the venue but then I saw eomma smiling at me as I walked towards her.....

T/M : My bear looks so handsome...(while grinning)
Taehyung : Eomma don't call me bear....
T/M : Aigooo, waee!!! Are you trying to keep your impression on girls here....(wiggling eyebrows)
Taehyung : Eomma it's nothing like that...
T/D : Stop teasing my son , Mrs Kim....

I felt so happy as I saw appa like before healthy and happy , my heart felt relieved as I saw my eomma appa happily talking suddenly Y/N thoughts clouded my mind but I hesitated to share about Y/N with eomma appa for now , I couldn't help but sigh in disappointment but I felt a hand on my shoulder whilst hyung smiling at me....

Seokjin : Excuse us lovely couple , taehyung come I'll introduce you to some of my friends!!!
I nodded and hummed as i followed hyung....

Time skip after an hour ~

I genuinely feel so tired meeting everyone and literally irritated as some of the girls tried to lean on me but thanks to myself as they got scared because of my glare , I sat on a chair as I glanced out of eyes instantly went wide to an extent as I couldn't believe....

Taehyung : What the hell he doing here???
Instantly i stood out of chair and pace up my walk but as i reached at the entrance i couldn't see him anywhere....I sighed in defeat and ...

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