Part 20 : Stuck on him/her

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Previous part ~

I picked him up as my eyes met a familiar figure I rubbed my eyes just to clear my hallucination but a smile formed on my lips as I couldn't help but call her name out....

Taehyung : Y/N....

Taehyung POV :

I turned my head towards tannie...
Taehyung : Tan..tan did you see!??Is my Y/N here!!!Look there....
As i again turned to see but there was no one which made my heart clenched suddenly tan caught my attention as he licked my cheek and started barking...
Taehyung : This time i won't give up tan...I'll have to check...

I placed tan on bed as I ran downstairs in speed but suddenly i bumped into hyung, as our forehead collided i held my head; i kept rubbing my forehead while hyung did same....

Jin : Hey !!! Taehyung do you want to ruin my handsome face.....
Taehyung : Aiish hyung move aside...
Jin : What's so hurry !!?

I pushed him out of my way as I ran away towards the villa on the other end.... I fixed my clothes as I made my way to the door ; I could hear my heart beating in a fast pace as it could jump out....I kept my palm on my chest as I tapped it while smiling unknowingly....

Taehyung : Yaahh don't misbehave calm down for once!!!!

After calming down myself , i finally pressed the bell , don't know why but I felt so nervous as I took deep breaths and kept thinking how should I greet ,what should I do...should I hug or apologize....i heard the door opening as I was ready to face my angel....

??? : Yes ?
Taehyung : Eh who are you ??

I was too stunned to speak as I saw some other girl, my mind rolled with questions....Did i again hallucinated???Did my mind play games with me again??? I shook my head as a sigh left from my mouth ....

??? : Excuse me do you want anything??
Taehyung : Nope sorry....

I walked away again with a broken heart and hopeless....


After checking my room , I plopped down on the bed as i closed my eyes and all memories started clouding in my mind; in frustration i threw away my pillow...

Y/N : Why???Why??I just loved you with my whole heart,thinking that you love me back...

Holding my hair in frustration and defeat that my heart won't give up on him , I sat up on bed thinking about previous scene....Was it really him!?But if I meet him will he recognise me??But things are now different, he won't accept me....Suddenly bell rang which caused to interrupt my thoughts...

I walked down while fixing my clothes as Aeri closed the door and turned to me , I saw her confused face.....

Y/N : What happened aeri eonnie??
Aeri : Oh Y/N nope nothing...
Y/N : I heard door bell who it was ??
Aeri : Oh that; don't know but a guy came a little weird...
Y/N : Oh i see....Anyways I am going out for a while, if oppa ask you anything...
Aeri : Don't worry at all I'll tell him...

I nodded gently as i left from there...on my way I tried calling hobi but he wasn't picking suddenly someone covered my mouth as I picked my leg and was about to kick....

Hobi : Hey....Y/N it's me...
Y/N : Youu!!!! Why did you do that!??
Hobi : Just little fun...come on don't act like Suga
Y/N : I ain't...
Hobi : What's wrong is something bothering you??
Y/N : Uh nope...

I felt wrong as hobi always stand by my side and has shared every little details about his life..but i couldn't even share a little thing.........I looked down and a sigh left my mouth...

Hobi : Y/N I know something is bothering you a lot and you always try to act like Suga...
Y/N : I don't...(rolling eyes)
Hobi : But Y/N don't forget it's not wrong to lean on someone and share about your problems....
Y/N : Hobi are you sure,you are mafia!?
Hobi : Why doesn't mafia needs to have someone???

I couldn't help but smile , with hobi I have always felt like my younger self....soon we both were in his hotel room....

Hobi : I'll get my laptop...

I nodded and sat on the bed , I couldn't stop thinking about hobi words...whatever he said was 100% percent true ; I can't keep this feeling to me for so long even though I wanna hate him I can't....

Hobi : Here I am .....
Y/N : Yes let's just get started...
Hobi : Are you sure,you are fine??

I ignored him and took laptop ; I connected facetime with Suga on laptop soon he received it...

Suga : Are you guys on vacation huh???
Y/N : What you mean ??
Suga : What took you so long you both don't be carefree...
Hobi : Omoo...Suga are you jealous that boss didn't let you come !!!

Hobi laughed as Suga glared from other side , I couldn't help but giggle at their bond....

Suga : You better stop serious!!
Hobi : Oh sorry...
Y/N : So what we gonna do as plans has changed??
Suga : So there's a party organized,there the target will be also coming...
Y/N : So we have to just shoot at sight,right Suga....
Suga : Yahh you sick you wanna get arrested there huh!!?
Hobi : So what's the plan ??
Suga : You gonna enter in that party as partners...
Y/N : Aren't we partners only...??
Suga : I mean couple...
Hobi : Whatt!!!!

As hobi yelled, Suga disconnected the facetime and sent all the details suddenly hobi shook his head in disagreement...I kept my hand on his shoulder..

Y/N : We got this...
Hobi : but y/n..
Y/N : It's my first real mission hobi let's not back out...

After few mins hobi nodded as we started to plan our mission...

Taehyung POV :

After a nap, I opened my eyes as I kept staring the ceiling thinking about all the incident happened...even today i skipped work so I just cried myself out until i fell asleep...I got startled as suddenly someone knocked on my door, walking lazily I opened the door...

Namjoon : Omg zombie!!!
Taehyung : Hyung do you need something!?
Namjoon : Oh yes eomma appa is here...they are waiting come down...
Taehyung : Eomma appa is here, weren't they on vacation!!?

I quickly fixed myself and went downstairs as eomma saw me, eomma engulfed me in her arms....

T/Eomma : bear, how are you doing !!?
Taehyung : I am good eomma ,how about you eomma ?
T/Eomma : Aigoo I am always good taehyunga...

I smiled as i turned to appa and bow infront of appa..

Taehyung : How are you doing appa!? Are you feeling well?

T/Appa : I am feeling much better taehyung...
Taehyung : Btw what are you doing here eomma appa, weren't you on vacation??
T/Appa : Taehyung you know, your hyung's must have informed about the party being held...
Taehyung : Yes appa...
T/Appa : It's for you taehyung..
Taehyung : WHAT!!!

What do you think which party Y/N is gonna attend and how taehyung and Y/N will meet again for the next part.....
Hope you like it....
Plzz vote and comment guysss
Saranghae 🫰
Borahae 💜
Take care and love yourself guysss....

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