Part 25 : Unexpected Reunion

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Without any further discussion they nodded their head as they knew it's waste of time in explaining and calming so yoongi rushed the car in full speed as my hands itched to rip their souls out of their disgusting bodies, suddenly i chuckled out a deep crazy laugh thinking about destroying their gang...They both glanced at me shaking their head...

Y/N : They have no idea,what's coming for them!!!

Author POV :

After 12 hours of flight , Y/N and gang members arrived at the Charles de Gaulle Airport while Suga and Hobi settled with every procedure...After completing everything they signalled Y/N to move towards the car as she nodded and lowered her head and marched towards the car.....
Y/N : Back here again...(in mind)
She let out a sad chuckle , which made Suga and Hobi to turn their head to glance her...
Suga : Yaahh !! Again him...
Hobi : Y/N, are you alright ?
Heaving out a sigh ,she closed her eyes while resting her head at the headrest...Her words just got stuck in her throat , she tapped to signal them to start the car....As hobi ignite the car , she spoke..
Y/N : Let's wrap this shit quick and return back....
Suga hummed in response as they could feel the atmosphere dull and heavy... Without any further  conversation they started to head their destination while their gang also followed them...

Meanwhile ~

Taehyung POV :
Swiftly I did my morning routine whilst checking my schedule, unknowingly I felt different from the time I woke up but shrugging off my thoughts whilst grabbing my phone and car keys I walked out of my room....As i was about to exit the house I heard something which made my steps halt at my place..
T/Appa : I am not sick seokjin !!!

At first I assumed appa must be joking as he always makes excuses just to fulfil his every wish like being a stubborn kid but just being curious and anticipating in their conversation, turning my feet I marched towards his room but before I could knock on the door , I was taken back by his words....
Appa : Yaaahh !! Namjoon I am really not sick it was just an act-

Immediately I flung the door open which made a thud sound as their all heads turned around to me and I saw appa's surprised face as he took few steps back....I rushed towards appa while taking long steps...

Taehyung : Is this a joke appa!??
T/Appa : Wh-what are you talk-talking about tae-
Taehyung : Don't pretend...Don't pretend appa !!!
Seokjin : Calm down taehyungaa!!!
Taehyung : No hyung let me talk to appa...Speak appa!!!(angry tone)
T/Appa : Taehyung, don't forget you are talking to your appa...
Taehyung : Tell the truth appa...
T/Eomma : I'll tell the truth tae..

Hearing eomma's voice , my head quickly turned towards her direction as eomma came towards me and held my hand lovingly.....Calming myself I nodded as I was trying to tell I am ready to hear it but I wasn't ready to hear which made me nervous....

T/Eomma : Taehyunga your appa isn't sick...
Without reacting anything to eomma's words ,my face went blank but no matter I was ready to listen to all of it ...
Namjoon : What are you saying eomma!!??
T/Eomma : It's true , now it's of no use to hide and lie more taehyung's appa...
T/Appa : But taehyung's eomma-
T/Eomma : I trust my taehyungaa won't leave us...

My eyes went wide as I gazed at my eomma in astonishment,  my heart and surroundings stopped....I couldn't believe but calming myself while heaving out an audible sigh I spoke...

Taehyung : Explain eomma..
T/Eomma : Taehyunga my son don't be mad at your was my idea to bring you here to us-
Seokjin : Eomma what are you saying ???

My heart felt like crying out loud , clenching my fists I screamed internally as if it was biggest betrayal by my own parents...

Taehyung : Why ??? Why eomma ??? WHYYY???
Seokjin : Taehyung calm calm...
Taehyung : Noo they have no idea hyung....
T/Eomma : Is it wrong to lie if my son is close to me??
Taehyung : After I heard about appa's sickness I ruined my everything back there without thinking twice!!!! Especially eomma I hurted my someone precious eommaa!!!
T/Eomma : Is that person even more important than your eomma appa taehyung???
Taehyung : You know what eomma , you did totally wrong !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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