Part 14 : Life

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I jumped but my hands got caught by two men and pulled me back as i struggled in their grip; immediately they covered my face with black bag and tied my hands with rope as i struggled to speak or react before that I was put in a car...... After few mins the car stopped as they took me out and made me sit i heard some person speaking like old man.....

??? : Who told you to tie her you dumb sickhead !!!!
Men1 : Sorry boss but she was struggling a lot....
??? : Open her now; What are you staring at my face!!!?

Soon that bag was taken off my face , i tried to clear my vision as it was too much suffocating inside ; I glared at everyone present there...

Y/N : Who the hell are you ???
??? : Calm down dear and sorry about their behaviour....
Y/N : But who are you ??
??? : I am Choi Myung Soo you can call me Mr Choi....

My heart dropped the most dangerous mafia infront of me but why would he bring me here I was totally confused, still managed to say.....

Y/N : You came inbetween my business Mr Choi....
Mr Choi: Your business to give away your life??
Y/N : You don't have any right to interfere-(got cut off )

4 men present there pointed the gun towards my direction as i gulped hard and fidgeted with my fingers but soon all men fell down on floor oozing their blood as Mr Choi shot them in fraction of second....

Mr Choi: I hate who disobey me and especially whoever tries to hurt you they won't be alive...
Y/N : Wh-what do you wa-wamt fr-from me !? (while stuttering)
Mr Choi: Don't be afraid of me, I just want justice for my friends and their daughter...
Y/N : What do you mean ??
Mr Choi : Your parents has gave me your responsibility...
Y/N : What ?? Eomma appa knows you, not possible!!!
Mr Choi : I know it's hard to believe dear but your parents are my partners but they didn't wanted their daughter in any danger...
Y/N : Noo you are lying my eomma appa are working in business...
Mr Choi: Here some pictures..

I took the pictures and my heart shattered by looking them holding guns (but they looked super cool 😅) further Mr Choi told me each and everything about them....and even how they got into accident as they were rushing to save me but lost their life , my tears didn't stop flowing from my eyes same time I was so angry...

Mr Choi: Y/N you have be to strong for yourself....
Y/N : I won't leave that bloody who did this to my parents....
Mr Choi: You don't have to Y/N , just be strong and protect yourself or I'll arrange some men to protect you...
Y/N : Noo...Mr Choi I only had my eomma appa I can't be strong(while sobbing hard)
Mr Choi: I can't even send you to other places they will chase you behind...
Y/N : So make me strong Mr Choi and I wanna make them pay for what they did to my parents...

I fisted my palm in anger and wiped away my tears , i just couldn't sit like this after knowing about parents and promised myself that bloody is meant to be D.E.A.D... i looked at Mr Choi with hope in eyes. He sighed, he pulled his phone out and called someone...

Mr Choi : Come soon as possible.

Soon after some time a man entered the room , i looked at him as he glared at me.....

I felt shivers run down my spine as I gulped hard , he stood beside Mr Choi

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I felt shivers run down my spine as I gulped hard , he stood beside Mr Choi..

Mr Choi: As always before time...Y/N meet my most trusted man Min Yoongi..
Y/N : Uhh ni-nice to meet you(avoiding eye contact)
Yoongi : Boss why you called me!?
Mr Choi: Yoongi meet her...She is Lee Y/N , our Lee partner's daughter..
Yoongi : Boss why she is here !!?
Mr Choi: She needs to be strong as you know everything and you gonna train her...
Y/N / Yoongi : What??? Train me / her....
Y/N : Why he Mr Choi...
Yoongi : There are other trainers who can train her boss why me!!?
Mr Choi: I just trust you Yoongi now it's your decision to keep my word or not... I'll leave now

Soon after Mr Choi left , that angry cat looking guy walked towards me , he stared into my soul i started fidgeting with my dress...

Yoongi : You aren't strong at all...
Y/N : you are right...but I can't be weak like this forever..(holding tears)
Yoongi : First lesson never speak up your weakness infront of anyone neither with your actions nor words..
Y/N : Got it yoongi...
Yoongi : It's Suga for you, in gang everyone states me with this name...come on now I'll drive you home
Y/N : I can't go home... I will miss my eomma appa again...
Yoongi : First rule and last rule never break my any rules got it.....

I gulped hard as we went towards his car, his aura was so different he seemed like a king with lots of scars... I was too tired as soon as we sat in car I tried to close my eyes but his voice woke my soul...

Yoongi : You will get killed if you close your eyes...
Y/N : What!!?? Why???
Yoongi : Shout less and be alert more got it....

I nodded and tried to keep my eyes open like owl ,soon we were infront of my gate ;as I saw Jimin oppa all worried near the door . I got off from the car as he drove away , jimin oppa saw me and came running towards me and engulfed me in his embrace...

Jimin : Where were you huh!!?? I searched for you everywhere Y/N...
Y/N : Calm down oppa...
Jimin : Calm down how!! I can't lose you Y/N....(while sobbing hard)
Y/N : You won't lose me oppa never ever (while cupping his cheeks)
Jimin : But where were you from past hours i was soo worried, i told eomma appa you are with Irene so they won't get worried...
Y/N : I'll tell you everything but I don't know if you will believe me or not...
Jimin: Let's go in...

We went inside the house as I went into my room to freshen up and oppa went in the kitchen to make hot chocolate for us...soon I was done with my shower and all I sat on bed as oppa entered room.
I took a long breath as oppa waited me to talk and let out everything whatever happened for these past hours ; oppa had mixed emotions and just kept quiet...

Y/N : Oppa...
Jimin : Shut up.... You wanted to take away your life huh didn't even think about your oppa once and aren't my eomma appa yours too...

I just kept quiet i knew I made a big mistake by taking that decision...

Jimin : And about mafia thing and all is that even true what if it's a trap Y/N ???
Y/N : No oppa , Mr Choi gave me each and every proof...
Jimin : Still i can't let you go in danger , noo never ever .....
Y/N : Oppa i understand how you feel but I can't run away what if you will have to pay for that because of me....
Jimin : Then i will pay it with my life but i won't let anything happen to you Y/N..
Y/N : That's what I don't want oppa I wanna be your shield which will protect you all not your weakness..

I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back and caressed my hair , i knew he agreed with me as I made him promise me to not tell anyone about it soon we both cuddled each other...i closed my eyes while thinking about new life but his image came in my mind as i cursed myself and a tear escaped from my eyes....soon i drift to sleep thinking about him...

Hope you liked it guyss.......
Update the part sooon.....
Plz vote and comment guyssss it motivates me a lott...
Saranghae 🫰
Borahae 💜

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