Part 7 : Confusing & Convincing Love

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After 2 months

Taehyung POV:

I was standing in my balcony while letting out sigh for the 10th time , recently it's been frustrating as Y/N and I argue a lot just because of my stupid behaviour. She keeps on asking me what are we !?
Still I am only not sure about it . I wanna protect her at any cost, I wanna keep her close to me but still I don't wanna accept the relationship of girlfriend boyfriend. Interrupting my thoughts I felt someone's hand around my shoulder ;

Taehyung : Shouldn't you be at company Jin hyung at this hour?
Seokjin : Nope how can I be at work as namjoon is taking care of it.(with a small grin)
Taehyung : Oh hyung you make namjoon hyung work a lot .
Seokjin : Yaahh !! I also did this same work and you have to also do this same work got it.

Jin hyung my best cousin, my supporter, he has always been there for me instead of eomma appa; hyung has always been there for me he knows me better than myself but nowadays we have lost contact because of he's currently the CEO of Korea's number 1 company the KIM CO. and works day and night just for the success of the company.

Taehyung : I know hyung but still I am not ready for anything !!(let's out a sigh)
Seokjin : What's worrying you so much that you are being a sigh king , you have almost sigh for hundredth time !! ( joking but worried tone)
Taehyung : It's nothing hyung it's just a girl - (got cut off)
Seokjin: Omg !!!! Does our taehyung-iii have a girlfriend !?? What's her name ? How long it's going !!? Do I know her !!! Why haven't you introduce me yet !?? (almost rapping)
Taehyung : Calm calm down hyung!!! Let me complete ....( told each and everything )
Seokjin : You love her taehyungiii !!!!

My eyes went wide just by listening the word 'love'.

Taehyung : No I don't hyung !!! It's just.... I don't know (in a low voice)
Seokjin : Taehyungiii just don't think about anything else but about you both , if you keep being like this then you might lose something and you might regret it but the time won't come back.
I hung my head low as i knew hyung is right but some part still wouldn't admit it I don't know why ??


I was laying on my bed , i was missing him but still mad at the fact he doesn't accept me , he even raised his voice on me just because i said he is using me but I knew I was wrong about talking nonsense to clear my thoughts i decided to take shower.
After shower I wore something comfortable

and plopped myself on bed  ,suddenly my phone rang , i sighed and checked the caller ID, a small smile formed on my lips as I accept the call ;

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and plopped myself on bed ,suddenly my phone rang , i sighed and checked the caller ID, a small smile formed on my lips as I accept the call ;

On call:

Y/N : Yes say. (acting to be serious )
Taehyung: Is my angel still angry at me ? (in a baby tone )
Y/N : What do you want ?
Taehyung : Don't stay angry at me angel my heart doesn't behave properly.
Y/N : Then have an appointment with the doctor.
Taehyung : So you not gonna forgive me my cupcake !?
I was getting butterflies in my stomach as he was trying to convince me still he deserves it just for raising his voice on me .
Y/N : I won't forgive and what you gonna do about it huh ?
Taehyung : I sincerely apologise for my behaviour princess but I can't stay away now please be in my embrace.( while whining)
Y/N : Dramatic ass stop with your drama I won't fall for it (trying not to drop the serious act)
Taehyung : Princess don't try to act that seriousness , i know you forgive me.
Y/N : Think whatever you want , but i won't forgive you that's final.
Taehyung : By the way , do you always wear these shorts ?
Y/N : Wait what !? How you know that I am wearing shorts ??
I sat up on bed while fixing my position from bed , my eyes went wide as he said ;
Taehyung : Wait don't fix your position princess you look kinda hot .
I could feel through phone he is smirking and licking lips;
Y/N : Taehyung where ar- are you , how do you know (trying not to stutter)
Taehyung : Come and take a look in balcony princess.
I ran over to my balcony and saw him leaning on the rail of balcony;
Y/N : What are you doing here !!!
Taehyung : I came to ask forgiveness my princess(while smirking)
Y/N : Wait but how do you get up here did you climb up here huh!???
He just nodded his head and walked towards me.
Y/N : What are you crazy huh what if you would have fell and are you good tae!?? (while checking him )
Taehyung : Shuu princess (while putting his index finger on my lips) how much you worry and I am all good.

Taehyung POV :

With that wet hair and water droplets still dripping over her body , she was looking so stunning which was making me lose my control . I slid my hand around her waist as I pulled her close to me till our bodies collided with each other ; I could sense her cheeks heating up and a tint of crimson red on her cheeks which made her more attractive.
I leaned into her neck and inhaled my favourite chocolate flavour fragrance which always makes me insane.I started trail of wet kisses on her soft delicate neck as she tried not to moan , while twisting her hands behind her back my eyes were on her ;

Taehyung : I wanna hear your moans princess. ( in deep voice)
Y/N : it isn't my house tae someone will hear it ( said in low voice )
She has a point as it is jimin's house if he hears it then of course he is protective about her and also he is furious as i raised my voice on my cupcake . Clearing my thoughts , I kissed her forehead , then her eyes ,her nose and lastly when I was about to kiss her soft lips......

Stay tuned for next part......
Borahae 💜🫰
If you have any your ideas in the story you can share it.....

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